
immoral [ɪˈmɒrəl]  [ɪˈmɔ:rəl] 

immoral 基本解释

形容词不道德的; 邪恶的; 猥亵的; 悖德

immoral 同义词

形容词bad wrong sinful evil wicked

immoral 反义词



immoral 网络解释

1. 不道德的邪恶的:amoral 与道德无关的,不懂是非 | immoral 不道德的邪恶的 | ample 充足的

2. 不道德的;不正经的;邪恶的:190. unmoral 超出道德的衡量标准的 | immoral 不道德的;不正经的;邪恶的 | amoral 非道德的(与道德无关的)

immoral 词典解释

1. 不道德的;道德败坏的
    If you describe someone or their behaviour as immoral, you believe that their behaviour is morally wrong.

    e.g. ...those who think that birth control and abortion are immoral.

...a reflection of our society's immorality.
immoral 单语例句


1. It is normal for a capitalist society to develop through different phases, but such immoral acts will be flushed out eventually.

2. But a spate of recent arrests has stirred cautious debate and raised awareness in Egypt, a conservative country where homosexuality is widely condemned as immoral.

3. The general public supported the ban by the government as it was considered immoral and a throwback to colonial days.


4. But by being ruthlessly successful as the Qin Dynasty was cruel, the Legalist school was rejected as immoral for adoption by popular sentiment.

5. immoral的翻译

5. Some of those picked up were accused of counselling others to commit immoral acts and living off the avails of prostitution.

6. While some netizens admired Wang's courage to pursue love, many felt sorry for Wang's wife and blamed him for his immoral behavior.

7. WASHINGTON - A US gay advocacy group Tuesday demanded an apology from the Pentagon's top general for calling homosexuality immoral.

8. immoral的翻译

8. When he learnt that only the immoral lion in Lingshan Mountain could defeat this ghost, he ordered his disciple to seek help from the lion immediately.

9. But all come with the disclaimer that no " immoral " or " illegal " services are on offer.

10. immoral

10. However, someone who is way off base did something wrong or maybe even dishonest or immoral.

immoral 英英释义



1. deliberately violating accepted principles of right and wrong

2. not adhering to ethical or moral principles

    e.g. base and unpatriotic motives
           a base, degrading way of life
           cheating is dishonorable
           they considered colonialism immoral
           unethical practices in handling public funds

    Synonym: base
