


imbeciles 基本解释
低能者,傻瓜( imbecile的名词复数 );
imbeciles 双语例句


1. I am exerting my control over these imbeciles and I am ISO 9001-compliant.
    我正对那些蠢货实施控制,我是 ISO 9001的遵从者。

2. How could you imbeciles let somebody put snakes...


3. I prefer rogues to imbeciles, because they sometimes take a rest.

4. Fans are portrayed as violent hooligans or as shallow imbeciles with no sense of proportion.


5. The people who rose up to attack the National Standards Bureau are imbeciles

6. If you think this sounds a little juvenile, you're right, but, of course, that is what crushes do, they reduce us to being complete and total imbeciles.


7. A Board of Commissioners ordering such treatment would prove thereby that either they were imbeciles or else they were hotly in earnest about punishing the patient and not in the least in earnest about curing him.

8. I don't want to deal with these imbeciles any longer.

9. We showed Matty's widow Susan the video of the attack, and she said: Finally I am seeing my husband die at the hands of two imbeciles.

imbeciles 单语例句

1. " On both sides there is a category of violent imbeciles who use knives, " Serra said at a news conference.

2. We should not copy others and the government shouldn't invite imbeciles to decorate our city!
