illegal act

illegal act [iˈli:ɡəl ækt]  [ɪˈliɡəl ækt] 

illegal act 基本解释

illegal act的翻译


illegal act 单语例句

1. illegal act的反义词

1. " Facts have proven that this illegal act goes against the will of the people, " the statement said.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. The media's exposure of the illegal demolition in Harbin resulted in the pressure of public opinion forcing the local government to act.

3. Alamo is suspected of violating the Mann Act, which prohibits taking children across state lines for illegal purposes.

4. All income from the illegal act will be confiscated, and a fine of up to three times the illegal income will be assessed.

5. Australia's Customs Act 1901 of the Commonwealth Consolidated Acts makes it illegal to bring child pornography into the country.

6. These regulations provide for the legal liabilities for administrative organs and their staff if they commit any illegal act.

7. illegal act

7. It also defines people who obtain confidential transaction information through illegal means and how investigators should define the act of insider trading.

8. illegal act

8. Although the sex act was consensual, it was illegal under Georgia law.

9. Zhang's lawyer said the act did not constitute kidnapping but was rather an act of illegal detention for petitioning.

10. Under the doctrine of national exhaustion principle, parallel importation is considered illegal and an infringing act.
