

ill-chosen 双语例句

1. But you will agree that the time and place is ill-chosen for this squabble.

2. Any presents from the new European Commission are likely to be ill-chosen and disappointing.

3. Some of his premises seem ill-chosen.

4. He took out a pad and wrote down her ill-chosen words in large visible letters.


5. You can learn from a disastrous party how to give a good one, from an ill-chosen first house what to look for in a second.

6. Ive absolutely no idea what this is for, but the use of the typeface in the poster headline is incredibly ill-chosen.


7. I thought I'd find it restful to be spared his remarkably ill-chosen ensembles, but having him looking so delicious has proved rather frustrating.


8. A man who had arrived at the studio looking dull, common, or even ridiculous in ill-chosen clothes, would emerge from the dressing room like a man of authority: a judge, a doctor, a learned scientist, the perfect lawyer.

9. During the campaign Mr Dumont was plagued by the ill-chosen remarks of ill-chosen candidates.
