
ignition [ɪgˈnɪʃn]  [ɪɡˈnɪʃən] 



ignition 基本解释


名词(汽油引擎的)发火装置; 着火,燃烧; 点火,点燃

ignition 相关例句



1. The ignition of the forest was caused by lightning.

ignition 网络解释

1. 点火:惯性约束聚变的科学可行性研究走向聚变能源要历经三个里程碑阶段:* 得失相当(breakeven):聚变释放的能量等于触发聚变反应所输入的能量;* 点火(ignition):聚变能产生的速率足够快使等离子体维持在所要求的温度而不需要附加加热;

2. 点火装置:而为了加强保险性能,这项防盗系统在锁车时也可以將车的某一功能锁上,例如將加油系统(fuel system)及点火装置(ignition),从而进一步保障汽车无法被偷车贼开走.

3. 開關:汽车的电池就接通了Starter马达, Starter马达就开始转动引擎. 引擎的气缸运动时要靠火花塞来点燃空气和燃料的混合气体. 所以我们知道了,和汽车点火有关的元素有:电池,Starter,汽油和火花塞. 点火开关(Ignition)有问题

4. 点燃:他的<<点燃>>(Ignition)是今年最棒的单曲. 60年代早期,年轻的威利.尼尔森为乡村乐明星雷.普林斯写歌,还作为普林斯的伴唱歌手一起参加巡演. 他们合作的第一张专辑:1980年的<<圣安东尼奥的玫瑰>>(San Antonio Rose)中充斥着西部摇摆原始的节拍.

5. ignition:ign; 点火

ignition 词典解释

1. 点火装置;点火器
    In a car engine, the ignition is the part where the fuel is ignited.

    e.g. The device automatically disconnects the ignition.

2. (汽车里的)点火开关
    Inside a car, the ignition is the part where you turn the key so that the engine starts.

3. 着火;起火
    Ignition is the process of something starting to burn.

    e.g. The ignition of methane gas killed eight men.
           甲烷起火,致使 8 人丧生。

ignition 单语例句

1. ignition的翻译

1. The consumption credit service will be the " ignition " to boom domestic consumption, according to the article.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Ignition is the cumulation of several artist promotional efforts that Microsoft has offered during the past year.

3. ignition

3. Investigators said the blaze was caused by the ignition of aging electrical wiring.

4. He ended his life by placing an exhaust pipe in his car, locking his door and turning on the ignition.

5. ignition的意思

5. Dust explosions are caused by the sudden ignition of a mixture of air and a heavy concentration of combustible dust particles.

6. But the keys were left in the ignition, allowing Zhou to get in and drive it to another city in the province.

7. This is exactly the goal that Ignition Marketing is seeking in organizing the food fair.

8. The ignition peak of fireworks was between 10 pm Saturday and 1 am Sunday in the capital.

9. Though the report failed to explain the exact reason for the ignition, it was located to the rear of the engine bay.

10. The bus didn't stop until one of the foreigners sitting beside Sun reached over and turned the ignition off.

ignition 英英释义


1. the act of setting something on fire

    Synonym: firing lighting kindling inflammation

2. the mechanism that ignites the fuel in an internal-combustion engine

    Synonym: ignition system

3. the process of initiating combustion or catching fire
