1. 雪屋:具有传奇色彩的拱形圆顶小雪屋(igloo)已经让位于设有中央暖气、水电齐全的房屋. 今天的小雪屋仅在狩猎时使用. 与此同时,现代生活也带来了许多新的问题. 和其他原居住民族一样,加拿大英纽特人面临挑战,既必须适应现代工业化社会的生活,
2. 冰屋:随着Intel最新推出的顶级处理器Core 2 Extreme QX9650的发布,新一轮的散热竞赛又开始了,不少厂商也在这个时候发布了新款CPU散热器. 其中就包括台系厂商极冻酷凌(Global glacialtech)就推出了最新散热器系列冰屋(Igloo),它们的型号为Igloo 5610.
1. (伊努伊特人的)拱形圆顶小屋,冰屋
Igloos are dome-shaped houses built from blocks of snow by the Inuit people.
1. igloo
1. Residents'igloo rooms are supplied with sleeping bags, fleeces and instructions on how to survive the " sleepover ".
2. igloo的近义词
2. Army officials said this indicated that one or more artillery shells stored in the igloo are leaking.
3. An igloo bedroom in the ice hotel - they are decorated with ornate carvings and lit with multi coloured lights.