if anything

if anything [if ˈeniθiŋ]  [ɪf ˈɛniˌθɪŋ] 

if anything 基本解释


if anything 相关例句


1. Her family, if anything, was richer than mine.

if anything 情景对话


Leave a message-(留口信)


B:Hi, Mr. Smith. This is Mary. Is Jenny there?

A:No, I’m afraid not, Mary. May I take a message for her?

B:Yes, please tell her that band practice has been moved to Tuesday night at 8:30.

A:O.K. No problem. Anything else?

B:No, but if she has any questions, she can call me at 555-2345.

A:All right, I’ll leave her the message, Mary. Thanks for calling.

B:Thank you. Bye.



A:This will be your office here.

B:A corner office? Really? Wow, this is great!

A:We try to give everyone in the upper management team a nice office. After all, you will be spending a lot of time in here.

B:I suppose so. It’s great.

A:On Monday, we’ll give you the keys to the company car. You can use it for personal use, but make sure to keep track of the gas you use. We’ll reimburse you for the upkeep and the gas you use for business.

B:Is there a coffee machine around here?

A:Yes, we have a coffee machine and some other beverages in the break room.

B:Where’s that again?

A:It’s just down the hall, the fourth door on your right.

B:Got it.

A:You can always call me if you need anything and I will get it for you. That’s one of my duties as your personal assistant.


A:Have you made a decision about your job yet?

B:Not yet. I’m still considering my options.

A:What are they?

B:I can stay at my current job and hope that they give me a promotion soon.


B:Or I can take the new job for less money and more responsibilities and hope that they give me a raise soon.

A:So what is more important to you, money or a challenge?

B:I’d rather find my work challenging than make a lot of money. But there is the possibility that I could be challenged at work and make more money.

A:I think I know what you’re going to decide.


A:Well, I don’t think you’re a risk-taker. That’s all I’m going to say.

B:Do you think I should be?

A:I’m not going to tell you what to decide. You have to make the decision for yourself.

B:Do you think I should take more risks?

A:I’m not saying anything else. If give you advice and it doesn’t turn out well, then you’ll blame it all on me!
      我不会说其他的了。如果我给了你建议,但如果并不好, 你会全怪我的!

B:No, I won’t.

A:Yes, you will.

B:No, I promise that I won’t blame you.

A:I’d like to see that in writing!

if anything 网络解释

if anything的意思

1. 如果有什么不同的话:he's as clever as anything : [inf] 他极其聪明 | if anything : 如果有什么不同的话 | the painting didn't fetch anything like that much : 这副画根本没卖到那么高的价钱

2. 如果有...的话,很有可能,甚至于还:home and abroad国内外 | if anything如果有...的话,很有可能,甚至于还... | if only要是,只是;要是...多好

3. 若有区别的话:hold water (容器等)盛得住水/站得住脚 | if anything 若有区别的话 | if necessary 如果必要的话

4. 若有任何不同的话:If Bernard wants to call me or anything, I'll be here all day.如果伯纳德要找我或什么的... | if anything:若有任何不同的话 | If anything, my new job is harder than my old one.要说有什么不同的话,我的新工作...

if anything 单语例句

1. The price of dying is going up in Rome, if a city auction of prime cemetery lots is anything to go by.

2. if anything在线翻译

2. She said her child's urine was cloudy but she didn't know if anything was wrong.

3. If commonality of trends counts for anything, then Africa's emerging moment is on the same tangent as China's.

4. if anything什么意思

4. If anything it makes us conscious that this is a good time to prepare ourselves and to have more talent ready when the upturn comes.

5. If the market is correcting the government's previous lousy land policy, should anything be done to undo it?

6. If we have learned anything throughout this year, we have learned that this financial crisis is unpredictable and difficult to counteract.

7. If anything this shows ramification of China's power and influence before the advent of the West and Japanese into Chinese spheres of influence.

8. " We won't try to cover up anything if any official is found responsible for this, " Yao said.

9. Dina also told Michael - who is estranged from Lindsay - it would be his fault if anything tragic happened to her.

10. Experience shows that technically parents cannot do anything even if they find any information to their dislike as a micro blog follower of their children.
