
idyll [ˈɪdɪl]  [ˈaɪdl] 


idyll 基本解释

名词描写田园生活的短诗; 一段愉快的乡村生活

idyll 网络解释

1. 田园诗:回归自然、或说田园诗(Idyll)的概念与意象一直是西方文化中很重要的主题. 圣经创世纪中亚当与夏娃被逐出伊甸园,这是一个寓言/神话,引申出千年来的疑问. 人困惑於自己似乎自外於自然,然而却又具有一切生命共有的强韧与脆弱.

2. 田园生活,田园诗:skull 颅骨 | idyll 田园生活,田园诗 | gambol 雀跃,嬉戏

3. 田园曲:hymn 赞美诗 | idyll 田园曲 | impromptu 即兴曲

idyll 词典解释
in AM, also use 美国英语通常用 idyl

1. 田园生活;浪漫插曲
    If you describe a situation as an idyll, you mean that it is idyllic.

    e.g. She finds that the sleepy town she moves to isn't the rural idyll she imagined...
    e.g. Though they still talked a lot, Harry felt that their idyll was drawing to an end.

idyll 单语例句

1. The idyll is so profound that it can be entered in the Guinness World Records.

2. OPENING - London's Olympic Stadium will be transformed into a rural British idyll for the opening ceremony on Friday.

idyll 英英释义



1. a short poem descriptive of rural or pastoral life

    Synonym: eclogue bucolic idyl

2. idyll的解释

2. a musical composition that evokes rural life

    Synonym: pastorale pastoral idyl

3. an episode of such pastoral or romantic charm as to qualify as the subject of a poetic idyll
