


idiots 基本解释
白痴;傻子,笨蛋( idiot的名词复数 );
idiots 网络解释

1. 白痴:还有雅各布.阿约尼(Jakob Arjouni ),一位有土耳其血统的德国作家,他是我最新的发现之一,因为我被他最近一部故事选集的题目<<白痴>>(Idiots)所吸引. 数数没读过的书吧作为对自己阅读水平的检验,我随手打开了<<1001本书>>,

2. 白痴 - 快后退:Lady, stay back! Don't go near the mailbox!|女士,退后,别靠近那个信箱 | - Idiots! - I mean it, woman! Get the hell back!|- 白痴 - 快后退 | I'll save you, lady!|我来救你

3. 一群笨蛋:Make something up...|编点假象 | Idiots.|一群笨蛋 | With friends like these,who needs friends?|要是朋友都像这样 要她们有什么用

4. 我想要結識的人:最喜歡的電視節目: jackass | 關於我: lets do it in the dirt! | 我想要結識的人: idiots,bastard,numb nuts,punk,skins,bloods,tribes

idiots 单语例句


1. It is sad to see the media actually release the ugly horror of the truth associated with homicidal idiots.


2. Chinese actor Wen Zhang made his voiceover debut in Three Idiots, an Indian film that is the No 1 grosser of all time for Bollywood.

3. They don't want to look like American idiots by slighting her.

4. Any peoples who do harms to partner's side without benefitting themselves are mad and idiots.

5. " He called us idiots and greedy fools, " Fox said.

6. " A global village will have its village idiots, " Rees said.

7. UK supermarkets are hiring legions of idiots to try and maintain employment levels and consumer spending.

8. Actors don't want to be treated like cattle or like idiots, and actors have a tremendous amount to bring to the table.

9. " It was his most challenging by far with these'idiots'we've got, " Edmonds joked.

10. They are a breed of idiots that only exist in Los Angeles and she would be surrounded by them.
