
identification [aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]  [aɪˌdɛntəfɪˈkeʃən] 


identification 基本解释

名词认同; 鉴定,识别; 验明; 身份证明

identification 相关例句



1. I used my driver's license as identification.

2. The candidate's identification with organized crimes cost him the election.

3. Have you any identification?

identification 情景对话



A:I’d like to open a savings account. Can you tell me how to do it?

B:O. K. You have to fill out this form and let me see three identification cards or documents.

A:I have a driver’s licence, a membership card and my passport. Will they do?

B:Let me see them. Yes, they’re O.K.

A:What’s the minimum amount I can deposit in an account?

B:You can deposit an initial amount of ten dollars.
      开户金额可以是10 元。

A:Thank you.


A:I would like to open an account.

B:A deposit account or a current account?

A:Er, I am not sure. You see, I have monthly remittances sent to me from China and I would like to have the money paid into an account.

B:Then you’d better open a current account. The bank will give you a cheque book and you can take money out when you like.

A:Fine. What do I have to do?

B:Just fill in this form. Do you have any means of identification on you?

A:Will my passport do?


identification 网络解释


1. 鉴定:使样品能够充分进入凝胶内,完成上样. 可用重泡胀液在室温浸泡12h后上样,或在低电压(30v)下室温12h,使IPG干胶条边水化膨胀边上样. 分离复杂的蛋白质组:包括系统分离(systematic separation),鉴定(identification)及定量(quantification

2. identification:ident; 鉴定

identification 词典解释

1. identification是什么意思

1. 识别;鉴定;确认
    The identification of something is the recognition that it exists, is important, or is true.

    e.g. Early identification of a disease can prevent death and illness...
    e.g. Their work includes the identification of genes which govern the growth rate and fertility...

2. 识别;验明;认出
    Your identification of a particular person or thing is your ability to name them because you know them or recognize them.

    e.g. Officials are awaiting positive identification before charging the men with war crimes...
    e.g. He's made a formal identification of the body.

3. identification什么意思

3. 身份证明;身份证件
    If someone asks you for some identification, they want to see something such as a driving licence, which proves who you are.

    e.g. The woman who was on passport control asked me if I had any further identification.

4. 密切关联;相互关联
    The identification of one person or thing with another is the close association of one with the other.

    e.g. Throughout the Balkans, there is a close identification of nationhood with language.
    e.g. ...the identification of Spain with Catholicism.

5. 认同;同情;支持
    Identification with someone or something is the feeling of sympathy and support for them.

    e.g. I need your full, emotional identification with the problem and with me...
    e.g. Marilyn had an intense identification with animals.

identification 单语例句

1. The elderly over 70 years old can buy half price tickets by showing their identification and go through a special access gate.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Beijing has started implanting digital identification chips in dogs to better manage its canine population, which is estimated at more than 1 million.

3. Bank clerks became suspicious when he could not produce the identification card matching the bank account and notified police.

4. identification的翻译

4. The draft said the country will first launch a social security number system nationwide by using the current citizen identification card number.

5. The draft said China would establish a standard social security number system across the nation by using each citizen's current identification card number.

6. identification什么意思

6. People in these two cities will only be required to provide resident cards and identification cards when applying for passports to Hong Kong and Macao.

7. identification的意思

7. Earlier the group posted web pictures of identification cards of the Egyptian envoy as proof it had kidnapped him.

8. The firm uses careful identification procedures for opening accounts, close monitoring of transactions and a worldwide network of control officers for tracking and reporting.

9. Though we cannot catch up with wealthy Western countries in a short period, a harmonious society will help enhance people's identification to our national culture.

10. identification的解释

10. Those remains have been sent to the state medical examiner's office in Chapel Hill for a formal identification.

identification 英英释义


1. the act of designating or identifying something

    Synonym: designation

2. identification的近义词

2. the attribution to yourself (consciously or unconsciously) of the characteristics of another person (or group of persons)

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. the process of recognizing something or someone by remembering

    e.g. a politician whose recall of names was as remarkable as his recognition of faces
           experimental psychologists measure the elapsed time from the onset of the stimulus to its recognition by the observer

    Synonym: recognition

4. evidence of identity
    something that identifies a person or thing

5. the condition of having the identity (of a person or object) established

    e.g. the thief's identification was followed quickly by his arrest
           identification of the gun was an important clue
