
hyperinflation [ˌhaɪpərɪnˈfleɪʃn]  [ˌhaɪpərɪnˈfleʃən] 

hyperinflation 基本解释
hyperinflation 网络解释

1. 极度通货膨胀:中国在1940年代的极度通货膨胀(HYPERINFLATION)是中共于49年夺取政权的因素之一中国人至今记得这个教训.这样一来纪很好理解中共最大的经济恶梦是高通货膨胀导致社会动荡......

2. 过度充气:下列叙述何者错误肺部X光片呈现过度充气(hyperinflation)慢性阻塞性肺病不会有气道过度敏感(hyperresponsiveness)之表现支气管气喘与异位体质(atopy)关联性较大关於气喘患者测定尖峰吐气流速(PEFR)之叙述,

3. 惡性通脹:交通银行IPO价格定于每股2.5港元 -高盛 高盛(Goldman Sachs)表示,中国第五大银行交通银行(Bank of Communi...调查显示,WTO逐渐丧失功能 全球化研究会教授沙利(Razeen Sally)日前的一份报告指,WTO成员面对恶性通胀(hyperinflation),使WTO几乎失去

hyperinflation 单语例句

1. Treasury bonds add up to 90 percent of the country's GDP, and if they increase to 150 percent the US would face hyperinflation.

2. hyperinflation的近义词

2. And even if hyperinflation sets in, the Fed has enough ways to absorb the excessive fluidity and curb it.

3. The central bank said it would issue higher denominated bank notes today to help consumers cope with hyperinflation.

4. While Cardoso defeated hyperinflation and attracted tens of billions of dollars in foreign investment, unemployment is at its highest level since early 2000 and real wages are falling.

5. Zimbabwe's central bank revalued its dollar again, lopping 12 zeros off its battered currency to try to tame hyperinflation Monday.

6. Infringing on this awakes traumatic memories in Germany of the hyperinflation that followed the two world wars.

7. The core of the EU economy is Germany, which was traumatized by the hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic.

8. The government has to make efforts to ease people's fear of hyperinflation, too.

9. Which means that instead of taking the US toward another Great Depression, he may lead it into hyperinflation.

10. hyperinflation

10. Hyperinflation is unlikely and CPI is predicted to rise 4 percent next year, it said.
