1. 過動:不专心ADHD的核心症状包括1) 过动(Hyperactivity) – 难于安坐、经常四处走动或不停讲话;2)
2. 过度活跃:据西医的判症,过度活跃(hyperactivity)是一种低度的脑部损 害(minimal brain damage). 很奇怪. 有了这一笔经费之后,该学校里面的学生忽然有40%的学生被断症为「过度活跃」.
1. Some experts believe that the recent spike in diagnoses of attention hyperactivity disorder among children is the result of overlooked sleep disorders.
2. Not only have his symptoms of hyperactivity disorder improved, but he can also utter some words.
3. " The teacher thought that my son probably has attention deficit or hyperactivity disorders, " Xiao's mother said.
1. a condition characterized by excessive restlessness and movement