hybrid rice

hybrid rice [ˈhaibrid rais]  [ˈhaɪbrɪd raɪs] 

hybrid rice 基本解释
hybrid rice 网络解释


1. 杂交水稻:一篇优秀的论文发表在有影响力的期刊上比较容易引起同行的关注,但是,这并不意味着您的论文未投递到SCI收录期刊,您的研究成果就不会被您的同行引用. 例如,我们要查找院士袁隆平1997年发表在中国期刊<<杂交水稻>>(Hybrid Rice)的论文的被引用情况,您可以这样操作:

2. 水稻:(1)博物馆里收藏的古物(relics)可以反映一个国家或地区的文化和历史他开发的杂交水稻 (hybrid rice) 使粮食产量大幅增长,对中国乃至世界作出了巨大贡献

3. 杂交稻:hybrid protein 杂种蛋白质 | hybrid rice 杂交稻 | hybrid sterility 杂种不育性

4. 杂种稻:hybrid pullet 杂种牝鸡 | hybrid rice 杂种稻 | hybrid sterility 杂种不育性

hybrid rice 单语例句

1. His hybrid rice is now cultivated in 50 percent of the country paddy fields and has helped increase the total 20 billion kilograms.

2. hybrid rice的意思

2. Yuan is credited with developing the world's first successful and widely grown hybrid rice varieties, revolutionizing rice cultivation in China and tripling production over a generation.

3. The nomination list for last year's Confucius Peace Prize included Yuan Longping, an agriculturalist known as the father of hybrid rice.

4. Yet the applications for protection of hybrid rice varieties by foreign firms and individuals in China are on the rise.

5. China has contributed in the international human genome project and independently completed the sequence for gene groups of a hybrid rice.

6. China has contributed to the international human genome project and has independently completed the sequencing for gene groups of hybrid rice.

7. Huang was chief of the Chinese agriculture assistance team to Liberia, teaching locals how to grow hybrid rice.

8. They will fly to the national hybrid rice research center in Hainan in November with their patented machine.

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9. The company will continue to drive hybrid rice adoption in Asia and support farmers in the region to grow " much more rice ".

10. hybrid rice

10. Yunnan scientists have also developed a biological approach to controlling pests by planting hybrid rice and sticky rice together.
