1. The president of Taiwan has husbanded its national budget.
2. It has an abundance of diamonds and successive governments have husbanded the country`s resources.
3. Being so father'd and so husbanded?
4. I found pen, ink and paper, and I husbanded them to the utmost, and I shall show, that while my ink lasted, I kept things very exact, but after that was gone I could not, for I could not make any ink by any means that I could devise.
5. All VCs, whether large or small, are saying that current cash should be husbanded, with the goal that it should be sufficient to support the business until cash flow breakeven.
所有风险,无论是大国还是小国,是说目前的现金应husbanded ,目标,应该足以支持企业的现金流量,直至盈亏。
6. Primarily, one should note that myrrh and frankincense grow together in the same parts of Arabia and Africa, and although the trees are husbanded differently their precious products are collected in similar ways.
7. If the human gene pool can be seen as a sort of species-wide natural resource, it's only sensible for the rarest of those genes to be husbanded most carefully, preserved so that every generation may enjoy their benefits.