
hunter [ˈhʌntə(r)]  [ˈhʌntɚ] 


hunter 基本解释

名词猎人; 亨特; 猎犬; 猎狐马,猎食其他动物的野兽

hunter 相关例句



1. The job hunter dawdled all morning but achieved nothing.

2. The hunters camped in the midst of the thick forest.

3. David was a very brave young hunter.

hunter 网络解释


1. <<神探亨特>:<<大饭店>>,<<神探亨特>>(HUNTER),以及<<鹰冠庄园>>(FALCON CREST). 特别是<<鹰冠庄园>>,音乐特别雄浑,女主人公是美国前总统里根的前妻简.怀曼. <<鹰冠庄园>>情节上也是<<豪门恩怨>>(DYNASTY)之类的. 上海电视台海外译制部除了配音<<海外影

2. (猎人谷):赛美容如今主要产在智利、法国的西南部和澳大利亚的猎人谷(Hunter). 它的酸是低的,但是酒体和酒精度比霞多丽高,用它来做甜酒比做干酒好. 它的柑橘类气味很明显,有时候可以品尝到少许蜂蜜、无花果和雪茄的味道. 赛美容肥得像油一般的丰富,

hunter 词典解释

1. 猎人;狩猎者
    A hunter is a person who hunts wild animals for food or as a sport.

    e.g. The hunters stalked their prey.
    e.g. ...a deer hunter.

2. 搜寻者;寻找者
    People who are searching for things of a particular kind are often referred to as hunters .

    e.g. ...job-hunters.
    e.g. ...treasure hunters.

3. (英国猎狐者乘骑的强壮的)猎狐马
    A hunter is a type of fast strong horse that is used in Britain by people who hunt foxes.

hunter 单语例句

1. Gao Xing is a physics teacher by day and a comet hunter by night.

2. hunter

2. " Man's final frontier ", reads the caption above a picture of a rugged hunter perched on his watchtower.

3. The'Bounty Hunter'actor admits finding Hollywood success has made him more grounded and has also driven him to want to do more charity work.

4. The cast of " Vampire Hunter " is beginning to round out.

5. Duncan Hunter of the House Armed Services warned that the bill could interfere with the military chain of command and endanger troops in the field.

6. " Humans are next in line on the food chain, " veteran shark hunter Vic Hislop told commercial radio.

7. hunter的反义词

7. " Hunter stated that he saw Jones inject herself with EPO, " IRS agent Erwin Rogers wrote in one of the memos quoted by the Chronicle.

8. Hunter and the bill's negotiators came to an agreement Monday on language clarifying the president's control.

9. hunter的解释

9. Leandro Barbosa played 22 minutes, while Walter McCarty and Steve Hunter only combined for seven minutes of action.

10. The hunter tasted the cool water, finding it made him much more energetic.

hunter 英英释义



1. a watch with a hinged metal lid to protect the crystal

    Synonym: hunting watch

2. hunter的解释

2. someone who hunts game

    Synonym: huntsman

3. hunter的解释

3. a person who searches for something

    e.g. a treasure hunter
