hunt down

hunt down [hʌnt daun]  [hʌnt daʊn] 

hunt down 基本解释

hunt down


hunt down 相关例句


1. They hunted down the criminal.

hunt down 网络解释

hunt down

1. 抓获:hunt after 探求 | hunt down 抓获 | hunt for 搜寻

2. 追捕:23. dental a. 牙齒的 | 24. unmatched a. 無與倫比的 | 1. hunt down... 追捕......

3. 穷追猛打:house to house fighting巷战 | hunt down穷追猛打 | identification of friend or foe(飞机)敌我识别

4. 穷追到底(一直到捕获为止):house arrest软禁 | hunt down穷追到底(一直到捕获为止) | illegal不合法的

hunt down 词典解释

1. 追捕到,穷追直至找到(罪犯、敌人等)
    If you hunt down a criminal or an enemy, you find them after searching for them.

    e.g. Last December they hunted down and killed one of the gangsters...
    e.g. Those who do not come forward should be hunted down...

hunt down 单语例句

1. The previous text called on nations possessing warships in the Gulf of Aden to help hunt down pirates with the agreement of the Somali government.

2. hunt down是什么意思

2. He appealed to the Chinese online community to hunt down the blogger and expel him from the country.

3. Marines fought off Iraqi insurgents who attacked them with mortars during a series of raids to hunt down arms and guerrilla suspects south of Baghdad.

4. It was then that he also had to help villagers hunt down young stags and musks in order to meet local government production quotas.

5. Authorities in the Ningxia Hui autonomous region have trained an army of foxes to hunt down rats that are destroying pastureland and forests.

6. hunt down的意思

6. The action came hours after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ordered the army to hunt down Palestinian militants.

7. After the rat population is considerably slashed, guerrilla warfare is unleashed to hunt down remaining groups.

8. Reinforcements have been rushed to the area " to hunt down the Taliban, " Khan said.

9. hunt down在线翻译

9. Reinforcements were rushed to the area " to hunt down the Taliban, " he said.

10. Chen generally left home at 2 am to hunt down the illegal postings.

hunt down 英英释义


1. pursue for food or sport (as of wild animals)

    e.g. Goering often hunted wild boars in Poland
           The dogs are running deer
           The Duke hunted in these woods

    Synonym: hunt run track down
