
hundred [ˈhʌndrəd]  [ˈhʌndrɪd] 



hundred 基本解释


数词一百; 许多; 100 到 999 间的数目; 某个世纪的年代

名词一百; 许多

形容词一百的; 许多的

hundred 相关词组


1. a hundred and one : 许多;

2. like a hundred of bricks : 来势凶猛地;

3. ninety-nine out of a hundred : 百分之九十九, 几乎全部;

4. a hundred percent : 百分之百, 完全;

hundred 相关例句



1. It cost me one hundred dollars.

2. Hundreds of people attended the famous director's farewell concert.

3. I have got a hundred things to do.


1. The child can count from one to a hundred.

2. Hundreds of people took to the streets to protest against police brutalities.

hundred 情景对话


A:Do you want to buy something here?

B:These shoes are great!What is the price of this?

A:This one is eight hundred dollars.

B:That’s too much!


A:What is your best price on this item ?

B:$24.95 per hundred pieces

A:That will be fine with us .

B:Fine . I‘ll start the paperwork for your order right away .


A:Three twenty-five cent stamps, please.
      请给我三张25 分的邮票。

B:Here you are. Seventy-five cents, please.
      好的。请给我75 分。

A:And please send this letter by registered mail.

B:Is there anything valuable in it?

A:There’s a check for two hundred dollars and a photograph.
      里面有一张200 元的支票及一张照片。

B:Shall I make out a receipt?

A:No, don’t bother.

B:That will be ninety-five cents in all.
      那总共需要95 分。

hundred 网络解释


1. 一百:(一)贵宾(VIP)等级分类一百(Hundred)的后面须加and(但美语and可以省略),如果百位数为零,要在一千(Thousand)后面加上and.3. 五月一日正式开始背诵第四册,当背到第10课(silicon vallay)的是时候我的嗓子已经受不了了,只要我一背就咳嗽,

2. 百户:家族组合成'氏 族',以地域形态表现的'氏族'组合成'村社',以此类推,若干这种村 社及其'马尔克'(或公地)组合成更高一级的政治组织,名为百户(hundred), 在条顿族所分布的地区,大多数地方都见到这个名称,只是形式不一,或这 样,或那样.

3. 佰:佰分佰(hundred)是一间致力于活动营销、商业会务、庆典礼仪、活动拓展等的专业策划公司. 我们时刻提醒自己,细心聆听客户的需求,结合我们的创意及丰富经验,为客户做出超100的效果,客户的投资都记载着价值的概念,花最少的钱,

hundred 词典解释
The plural form is hundred after a number, or after a word or expression referring to a number, such as ‘several’ or ‘a few’. 用在具体数字后,或跟在 several 或 a few 等表示某一数目的单词或短语后时,复数形式为hundred。


1. (数字)100
    A hundred or one hundred is the number 100.

    e.g. According to one official more than a hundred people have been arrested.

2. hundred什么意思

2. 许多;大量
    If you refer to hundreds of things or people, you are emphasizing that there are very many of them.

    e.g. Hundreds of tree species face extinction...
    e.g. Today you can buy hundreds of flavours of ice-cream.

3. (表示强调)百分之百,完全
    You can use a hundred per cent or one hundred per cent to emphasize that you agree completely with something or that it is completely right or wrong.

    e.g. Are you a hundred per cent sure it's your neighbour?...
    e.g. I agree with you one hundred per cent.

hundred 单语例句

1. A court in East China's Zhejiang province on Wednesday upheld the death penalty for a businesswoman for cheating investors out of several hundred million yuan.

2. Ask a chain smoker to kick the butt, and in all probability he'll tell you he's tried quitting a hundred times before.

3. More than a hundred traffic police are also mobilized as more and more pilgrims are arriving by car.

4. hundred的反义词

4. We have by far experienced a hundred years of ups and downs, achievements and glories.

5. hundred

5. The village has 151 wells dug by hand by several generations over a hundred years in the quest for water.

6. The English language was strongly influenced by an event that took place more than one thousand four hundred years ago.

7. We used to store several hundred kilograms of cabbage and potatoes, which were the staple of our diet in winter.


8. In Yangzhou one can enjoy a good meal for a hundred, or just a few yuan.

9. Businessmen of Fujian origin have always being active in providing financial help for their motherland for more than a hundred years.


10. Julian Manyon of ITV news said his cameraman got into the gym briefly and saw up to a hundred bodies.

hundred 英英释义


1. ten 10s

    Synonym: 100 C century one C


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. being ten more than ninety

    Synonym: one hundred 100 c
