humble plant
1. 含羞草:1月26日 含羞草(Humble Plant) 花语:敏感 花占卜:你有令人无法抗拒的魅力,个性率直,反应敏锐,很多事情都逃不过你的观察. 但是,你有时亦颇为软弱,总是唉声叹气,只要提起勇气,努力不懈,坚持自己的理想,问题是可以解决的.
1. humble plant
1. prostrate or semi-erect subshrub of tropical America, and Australia
heavily armed with recurved thorns and having sensitive soft grey-green leaflets that fold and droop at night or when touched or cooled
Synonym: sensitive plant touch-me-not shame plant live-and-die action plant Mimosa pudica