
hubbub [ˈhʌbʌb]  [ˈhʌbˌʌb] 


hubbub 基本解释


hubbub 相关例句


1. We were disturbed by the hubbub from the outside.

hubbub 网络解释

1. 吵闹声:hubbly 多瘤的 | hubbub 吵闹声 | hubby 丈夫

2. (喧闹声) 猖狂:to and fro(来去) 堂皇 | hubbub(喧闹声) 猖狂 | alpha and omega(始终) 灿烂

3. 混乱;喧闹:Amidst:在...之中 | Hubbub:混乱;喧闹 | Pandemic:大规模流行病

4. 哈布风:hubbob 哈布風 | hubbub 哈布風 | Huggins band 尤金帶

hubbub 词典解释

1. (人群的)喧嚷,吵闹声
    A hubbub is a noise made by a lot of people all talking or shouting at the same time.

    e.g. There was a hubbub of excited conversation from over a thousand people.

2. 混乱;骚动
    You can describe a situation where there is great confusion or excitement as a hubbub .

    e.g. In all the hubbub over the election, one might be excused for missing yesterday's announcement.

hubbub 单语例句

1. The emotional hubbub over his exit after seven seasons caught Carell by surprise.

2. Now it's a hubbub of colorful themed bars and clubs, from Highlander to Bollywood and Angkor.

3. Even the First Fan took note of the hubbub surrounding the game.


4. In one Sanya neighborhood filled with Muslims of China's Hui minority, many said the pageant and the hubbub surrounding it didn't affect them.

5. Tucked only about 40 metres away from the hubbub, an old courtyard impresses visitors as an oasis of calm.

6. Such hubbub has continued despite Beijing's repeated promise that the law is not what people think.

7. Generally a quiet place, the hubbub of conversation is sometimes accompanied by live music.

8. Already, the hubbub surrounding the game is wearing on Miami's collective nerves.

9. The Super Brand Mall located at Pudong's Lujiazui Finance and Trade Centre opened this week amid the hubbub of APEC activities.

10. Amid the hubbub, it took awhile for people to take their seats.

hubbub 英英释义


1. loud confused noise from many sources

    Synonym: uproar brouhaha katzenjammer
