house arrest

house arrest [haus əˈrest]  [haʊs əˈrɛst] 

house arrest 基本解释


名词(本宅)软禁; 软禁于家中

house arrest 网络解释

1. 软禁:一致裁定被告米德顿(Trevor Middleton)4项严重伤害罪名及两项刑事疏忽导致他人受伤罪名全部成立,主审法官将于下月就控罪宣判,法官考虑被告将来或面对长期被囚,准许米德顿保释候判与家人度圣诞,但须交出旅游证件及于家中软禁(House Arrest).

2. 天使小绑匪:王牌保龄球 Kingpin (1996) | 天使小绑匪 House Arrest (1996) | 异种 Species (1995)

3. 軟禁(在家):graveyard shift 大夜班 | house arrest 软禁在家 | jet lag 不适应时差

4. [律](本宅)软禁:32.cut corners: 节省时间(金钱省力,(不按常规而)用简便方法去办事. | arrest: [律](本宅)软禁. | 35.stand trail : 受审判.

house arrest 词典解释

1. (因涉嫌参与违法活动而遭到的)(本宅)软禁
    If someone is under house arrest, they are officially ordered not to leave their home, because they are suspected of being involved in an illegal activity.

    e.g. The main opposition leaders had been arrested or placed under house arrest...
    e.g. He was released from house arrest two years ago.

house arrest 单语例句

1. house arrest的意思

1. His office manager is under house arrest, and an inquiry commission is looking into his alleged mishandling of last summer's Lebanon war.

2. Suu Kyi's detention was described as a suspended sentence rather than house arrest, although restrictions placed on her appeared similar to those of her previous detention.

3. Fujimori has been in Chile since November of 2005 and is currently under house arrest in an exclusive condominium in Santiago's outskirts.

4. Polanski's lawyers suggested the possibility after a Swiss court rejected an appeal for house arrest.

5. The " Mean Girls " actress also served 35 days under house arrest.


6. Pakistan was plunged into a deeper political turmoil after Sharif was placed under house arrest ahead of a major protest destined to the capital.

7. It was the couple's first outing after a US judge's decision to lift the house arrest of " DSK ".

8. Qian was put in prison for 15 days, followed by house arrest under surveillance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for five years.

9. The disgraced financier has been insulated from them in his expensive Manhattan apartment, where he has been under house arrest since December.

10. Authorities said the fugitive who had gone into hiding in the house, refused to surrender and opened fire on troops attempting to arrest him.

house arrest 英英释义

house arrest的近义词


1. house arrest的翻译

1. confinement to your own home
