


hours 基本解释
小时( hour的名词复数 );固定时间;一小时的时间或行程;重要时刻;
hours 网络解释


1. 时间:及大气管局(NOAA)辖下的国家环境卫星 据及资讯服务处 (NESDIS)合作下的成果][此卫星图像接收自地球同步业务环境卫星( GOES-9). GOES-9是日本气象厅(JMA)和美国国家海洋及大气管局( NOAA)辖下的国家环境卫星 据及资讯服务处warnings 日期/月份 时间+ 日期/月份 时间+ (hours)

2. 时:◆自动换停,换停时间Time1-12小时(Hours)自由自在设置◆自动贴条,帖条时间Time5-12小时(Hours)自由自在设置,可以设置不帖条的QQ◆自动举报停满8小时(Hours)以上的车.

3. 学时:我学校当时没用学分(credit), 根据申请学校的要求, 也可以用hours来表示, 那成绩单上的学时(hours)应该怎样来表示, 是不是应该把我每学期修的总课时累加起来, 不过我都记不清楚了, 应该怎么办?

4. 小时:◆自动换停,换停时间Time1-12小时(Hours)自由自在设置◆自动贴条,帖条时间Time5-12小时(Hours)自由自在设置,可以设置不帖条的QQ◆自动举报停满8小时(Hours)以上的车.

hours 单语例句

1. According to a contract signed between the college and a private business boss, the students take shifts to play the game for 10 hours every day.

2. Fortress and Nelson did not return calls from The Associated Press after business hours.

3. A call to Glencore's Baar office out of regular business hours wasn't answered.

4. hours的反义词

4. A call to Willis'US publicist outside business hours wasn't immediately returned.

5. JPMorgan could not be immediately reached for comment by Reuters outside regular US business hours.

6. Some Little Sheep restaurants have even extended their business hours to take advantage of the longer daylight hours during summer.

7. They could not immediately be reached for comment by Reuters outside regular US business hours.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. A spokesman for the New York Fed wasn't available for comment after regular business hours on Monday.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. Once he clears waivers after 48 business hours, teams will be eligible to sign him.

10. BP could not immediately be reached for comment by Reuters outside regular US business hours.

hours 英英释义


1. an indefinite period of time

    e.g. they talked for hours

2. a period of time assigned for work

    e.g. they work long hours
