hour hand

hour hand [ˈauə hænd]  [aʊr hænd] 

hour hand 基本解释
hour hand 网络解释


1. 时针:它的时针(hour hand)和分针(minute hand)和普通钟表一样,一直不停地在钟面上自行准确移动. Boys and girls,到日内瓦观赏Flower Clock的时候,别忘了对一对自己的手表(watch)哦!

2. (闹钟的)时针:hinge 转轴 | hour hand (闹钟的)时针 | lid 杯盖

3. 时针,时针:hour hammer stud ==> 时锤杆桩 | hour hand ==> 时针,时针 | hour heart spring ==> 时桃轮簧

4. 发布于:Hour hand 发布于:2009-08-05 22:35 | Always knew I have one it takes 我知道我曾经拥有 | All I ever had once I had 如果我曾经拥有的能够重来

hour hand 单语例句

1. Mix and knead by hand to soft dough, then cover it with towel and put it aside for about an hour.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. Using a thin sheet of air traveling at 400 miles per hour, the hand dryer removes water from hands in 10 seconds.

3. It took firefighters an hour to free Zhang's hand from the mess without causing any injury.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. United looked rattled but Van Nistelrooy was on hand to settle their nerves on the hour.

5. A little girl's hand was stuck in a vending machine for about half an hour in Chongqing after she tried to take food from it.

6. Within half an hour of the end of school, four uniformed students had left with full cigarettes packs in hand.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. An hour earlier, the Turkish government said it had the situation in hand.

8. Firefighters took an hour to break open the machine and free her hand.

hour hand 英英释义


1. the shorter hand of a clock that points to the hours

    Synonym: little hand
