1. People feel pleasantly cool and enjoy themselves so much they to forget to leave when entering the cavern during hot summer days.
2. The rooftop is bound to be a big draw in the coming hot days of summer in Beijing.
3. The systems save companies money and reduce strain on the electrical grid in New York, where the city consumes huge amounts of power on hot summer days.
4. Here is a list of suggestions to help you get through these hot summer days.
5. The NMC analyzed the number of hot days and consecutive hot days in different cities, as well as the average high and low temperatures during the summer season.
6. Hot Summer Days and The Wolfman are two shining examples of hoary material resurrection.
7. Xinjiang has hot summer days and cool nights so the vines can rest well in the evening.
8. The relative humidity has also been above 50 percent for days, a reading that can easily cause heat strokes in the hot summer.
9. Hot Summer Days presents five touching and interrelated romance stories performed by a stellar cast.
10. The Guangdong Provincial Observatory warned that Guangdong has entered its hot summer season, and the temperature is expected rise to above 36 C in one or two days.