
hostile [ˈhɒstaɪl]  [ˈhɑ:stl] 

hostile 基本解释

形容词怀有敌意的; 敌人的,敌对的; 不利的

名词敌方; 敌对者,敌对物

hostile 同义词


形容词militant unfavorable belligerent antagonistic unfriendly aggressive bitter

hostile 反义词

形容词friendly favorable amiable

hostile 相关例句


1. Ever since I got better marks than Parker, he has been hostile to me.

2. The town was surrounded by hostile troops.

3. He is hostile to reform.

hostile 网络解释

1. 敌对:AR是分段的,-25到25什么用处都没有,25到75都算Warm,75以上算Friendly,很多事件都需要你和伙伴之间至少是Warm;-25以下就是敌对(Hostile)了,到-100称为Crisis,一般不到那时候就会走人了大部分同伴有专属任务,都非常重要,下面会详述,

2. 敌意的:透过涉及Rio随身听、MP3.com以及Napster三部曲案件,已发展出一套似乎对MP3技术使用者有敌意的(hostile)法律,相关的争论将持续产生,而技术将在成熟与应用方面有所改进.

3. 有敌意的:通过上述三个案件,已发展出一套似乎对MP3技术使用者有敌意的(hostile)法律,相关的争论将会继续,而技术也会有所改进. 2000年7月26日,PC Data Online公布的一项调查表明,网络上音乐的「自由下载与共享」已经深入人心,

hostile 词典解释

1. 敌对的;不赞成的
    If you are hostile to another person or an idea, you disagree with them or disapprove of them, often showing this in your behaviour.

    e.g. Many people felt he would be hostile to the idea of foreign intervention...
    e.g. The West has gradually relaxed its hostile attitude to this influential state...

2. 怀有敌意的;不友善的
    Someone who is hostile is unfriendly and aggressive.

    e.g. Drinking may make a person feel relaxed and happy, or it may make her hostile, violent, or depressed...
    e.g. The prisoner eyed him in hostile silence.

3. hostile

3. (情况、形势等)不利的,恶劣的,造成阻碍的
    Hostile situations and conditions make it difficult for you to achieve something.

    e.g. ...some of the most hostile climatic conditions in the world...
    e.g. If this round of talks fails, the world's trading environment is likely to become increasingly hostile.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. (收购)恶意的,不受(被购公司)欢迎的
    A hostile takeover bid is one that is opposed by the company that is being bid for.

    e.g. Kingfisher launched a hostile bid for Dixons.

5. (战争中)敌方的,敌人的
    In a war, you use hostile to describe your enemy's forces, organizations, weapons, land, and activities.

    e.g. The city is encircled by a hostile army...
    e.g. They were in hostile territory.

hostile 单语例句

1. Voters hostile to the deal deluged Capitol Hill with emails and phone calls, threatening to oust the lawmakers who voted for the bill.

2. The UNIFIL forces are currently deployed in south of Lebanon to monitor the cessation of hostile acts between Lebanon and Israel.

3. Of course you must know that in civilized warfare, officers in the field must not be accorded inappropriate levels of hostile attention.

4. US authorities have ruled out hostile fire in the collision but have not given a cause for the other fatal crash in the west.

5. A military spokesman said there were no indications the planes had come down under hostile fire.

6. When neither ex is willing to move out of the condo they used to share, the only solution is to continue living as hostile roommates until somebody caves.

7. hostile

7. US lawmakers have accused the oil giant of sacrificing safety to improve its profit margin, a practice Hayward denied during hostile congressional testimony in June.

8. Soaring commodity prices have fueled a wave of consolidation activity in the mining sector, headlined by BHP Billiton's hostile bid for rival Rio Tinto Plc.

9. She feels hostile to men and can't get herself to talk with, or have eye contact with them.

10. Besides emphasizing the correlation between Internet freedom and cyber security, the document also promised the prospect of conventional responses to hostile attacks in cyberspace.

hostile 英英释义



1. troops belonging to the enemy's military forces

    e.g. the platoon ran into a pack of hostiles


1. unsolicited and resisted by the management of the target company ( used of attempts to buy or take control of a business)

    e.g. hostile takeover
           hostile tender offer
           hostile bid

2. not belonging to your own country's forces or those of an ally

    e.g. hostile naval and air forces

3. very unfavorable to life or growth

    e.g. a hostile climate
           an uncongenial atmosphere
           an uncongenial soil
           the unfriendly environment at high altitudes

    Synonym: uncongenial unfriendly

4. characterized by enmity or ill will

    e.g. a hostile nation
           a hostile remark
           hostile actions

5. impossible to bring into friendly accord

    e.g. hostile factions
