
hospital [ˈhɒspɪtl]  [ˈhɑ:spɪtl] 



hospital 基本解释


名词医院; 收容所; 养老院; 〈古〉旅客招待所

hospital 相关例句


1. He's gone to the clock hospital.

2. His sick father is in the hospital.

hospital 情景对话



B:Ted volunteers for the children’s hospital once a month.

A:Gee, what a nice/ kind/ wamp3-hearted guy!

In the hospital emergency ward-(在医院急诊室)

A:How’s it feel?

B:About the same.

A:Someone will be out to take a look any minute now.

B:Should we be here, Alice? I don’t think it’s that serious.
      艾丽斯,我们要来这儿吗? 我看没那么严重。

A:Of course! It’s the sort of thing a hospital emergency ward is for.
      当然得来这儿啦! 医院的急诊室就是干这个的。

C:Will he have to wait much longer?

A:I hope not. It isn’t that busy.

Bob groans-(鲍勃在呻吟)

A:What’s the matter, Bob?

B:I think it’s my ankle.

A:What happened?

B:One of my snowshoes got caught on a rock.

A:Can you stand?

B:I don’t think so. It’s kind of sore.

A:We’ll have to get you to a hospital for an X-ray.

B:Is that really necessary?

A:It may be worse than it seems.

hospital 网络解释

1. 人民医院:花费 94 US$ 购买了一张到 浦东国际机场 (Airport) 的机票. 在 人民医院 (hospital) 护士的治疗下我感觉好多了. 我同意在 人民医院 (hospital) 住院治疗. 我从 人民医院 (hospital) 出来了,感觉好多了.

hospital 词典解释

1. 医院
    A hospital is a place where people who are ill are looked after by nurses and doctors.

    e.g. ...a children's hospital with 120 beds...
    e.g. A couple of weeks later my mother went into hospital...

hospital 单语例句

1. hospital

1. Not far from the hospital, there is another booth in the University of International Business and Economics.

2. The business of scalping hospital registration tickets has always been a huge problem.

3. He was sent to Princess Margaret Hospital with a gunshot wound to the left buttock.

4. hospital的意思

4. He was stabbed in the buttocks and was sent to hospital for medical treatment, according to a post on the bureau's official Sina Weibo micro blog.

5. The actress will act as a guide for the tourists visiting a cosmetic surgery hospital in ROK for an overview of the procedure.

6. He arrived from Russia on October 28 by air and went to hospital on Sunday with severe breathing difficulties and other symptoms.

7. He had been taken to hospital by air on Monday after suffering heart failure.

8. She was infected by contaminated blood during surgery at Dehui Municipal Hospital in March 2003, and died after investigations started two months ago.

9. By WHO's current definition of a probable case, there must be at least two SARS patients reported in the same hospital environment.

10. hospital的反义词

10. Police are still looking for a Chinese man who took the girl by force, while her mother was making payment at the hospital.

hospital 英英释义


1. hospital的意思

1. a health facility where patients receive treatment

    Synonym: infirmary

2. hospital是什么意思

2. a medical institution where sick or injured people are given medical or surgical care
