
hop [hɒp]  [hɑ:p] 







hop 基本解释


不及物动词跳上[下]; 单足蹦跳; 齐足(或双足)跳行; 摘葎草花

及物动词跃过; 登上(飞机、汽车、火车等); 在…跳来跳去; 加啤酒花于

名词跳舞; 蹦跳; (棒球等的)弹跳; (非正式)舞会


hop 相关例句



1. The tramp hopped freights more than once.


1. The frog hopped along the shore of the pond.

2. I saw him hop on a bus.


1. The pursuer cleared the fence in one hop.

hop 网络解释

1. 单脚跳:13.单脚跳(hop):以一只脚站立,跳起后以同一脚的趾肚着地. 14.弹跳:以一脚站立,跳起后以另一脚的趾肚轻轻着地. 15.跌落:以一脚站立,跳起后以另一脚的趾肚或全脚重重地着地. 16.跳:脚并拢屈膝,跳起后脚并拢着地,可朝向任何方向.

2. 啤酒花:所谓异种啤酒,有发泡酒及第三类啤酒两种.根据日本酒税法,可加上[啤酒]标签的饮料,原料必需含有麦芽,啤酒花(Hop)及水,麦芽含量不能超过50%.若然原料少了啤酒花便不能标签为啤酒售卖,这种饮品只能称为发泡酒.异啤酒的大热原因,

3. 酒花:现代啤酒是以大麦芽(malt)、酒花(hop)、水为主要原料,经酵母(yeast)发酵作用(fermentation)酿制而成的饱含二氧化碳(carbon dioxide)的低酒精度酒(nablab).

4. 跳跃:发送外出数据包的主机地址. 这是必须的,因为路由器要根据这个地址发送返回数据包. 含有源站选路(Source Route)选项的外出数据包同样需要这个字段. 3.1 跳跃(Hop)计数

5. hop:hold on please; 等一等

hop 词典解释

1. hop什么意思

1. (人)单足跳跃
    If you hop, you move along by jumping on one foot.

    e.g. I hopped down three steps...
    e.g. Malcolm hopped rather than walked.

2. (鸟、小动物)双脚跳,齐足跳行
    When birds and some small animals hop, they move along by jumping on both feet.

    e.g. A small brown fawn hopped across the trail in front of them.

3. hop的意思

3. 跳上(或下);快速移动
    If you hop somewhere, you move there quickly or suddenly.

    e.g. My wife and I were the first to arrive and hopped on board...
    e.g. I hopped out of bed quickly.

4. hop的翻译

4. (通常指乘飞机的)短途快速旅程
    A hop is a short, quick journey, usually by plane.

    e.g. It is a three-hour drive from Geneva but can be reached by a 20-minute hop in a private helicopter.

5. (非正式的)社交舞会
    A hop is a social event at which people mix together and dance in an informal way.

    e.g. They were afraid of being turned down when they asked girls to dance at high school hops.

6. (干的)啤酒花
    Hops are flowers that are dried and used for making beer.

7. 走开;滚开
    If you tell someone to hop it, you are telling them in a rude way to go away.

    e.g. 'Hop it', I snapped at the bloke. 'She's with me.'

8. 非常生气的;暴跳如雷的
    Someone who is hopping mad is very angry.

    e.g. The family's hopping mad that she left them nothing.

9. hop

9. 措手不及地;出其不意地
    If you are caught on the hop, you are surprised by someone doing something when you were not expecting them to and so you are not prepared for it.

    e.g. His plans almost caught security chiefs and hotel staff on the hop.

hop 单语例句

1. At this party organized by the Beijing Ballroom and Xue Young and Bobo, the ballroom's instructors will teach classic Lindy Hop and Charleston steps.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. It's a short hop along the coast into Cabo de Gata Natural Park, where the desert extends over the coastal mountains and down to the Mediterranean.

3. The restaurant is conveniently located if you're planning to hop on the Airport Express - just a short walk and an elevator ride away.

4. The result was that I began to hop up and down on the spot like a demented rabbit.

5. The teenagers often hop between cars to distribute the flyers in busy traffic, putting their own and others'lives in danger.

6. Critically acclaimed DJ and producer from New York Pete Rock joins Beijing's local hip hop crew Section 6 for an unforgettable night.

7. hop的解释

7. Then hop around the scenic spots in town and prove your eye for elegance with a glamour shot photo session.

8. It seems that Qu is on an express train to musical fame, but says she hopes to hop off that train at some point in the future.

9. If you want to find out more about what China is really like, then maybe you should hop on a train and leave those comfy hutong neighborhoods behind.

10. International students are not the only frog in the hot pot and they will likely hop out if the situation worsens.

hop 英英释义



1. the act of hopping
    jumping upward or forward (especially on one foot)

2. an informal dance where popular music is played

    Synonym: record hop

3. twining perennials having cordate leaves and flowers arranged in conelike spikes
    the dried flowers of this plant are used in brewing to add the characteristic bitter taste to beer

    Synonym: hops


1. travel by means of an aircraft, bus, etc.

    e.g. She hopped a train to Chicago
           He hopped rides all over the country

2. jump lightly

    Synonym: skip hop-skip

3. hop

3. make a jump forward or upward

4. jump across

    e.g. He hopped the bush

5. hop的解释

5. traverse as if by a short airplane trip

    e.g. Hop the Pacific Ocean

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. move quickly from one place to another
