
hooking ['hʊkɪŋ]  ['hʊkɪŋ] 






hooking 基本解释

动词钩住,吊住,挂住( hook的现在分词 ); 弯成钩形; 钓(鱼); 打曲线球,踢弧线球

hooking 网络解释

1. 拍叉:耦合型光合波器 Coupled Optical Multiplexer | 拍叉 Hooking | 排除故障 Troubleshooting

2. 钩人:hold the puck for face-off 用手握球造成争球 | hooking 钩人 | hook away 争球时钩球

3. 用杆钩人:用杆打人 slashing | 用杆钩人 hooking | 受罚队员 penalized player

4. 屏幕变形:hookhousing 钩架 | hooking 屏幕变形 | hookingmachine 码布机

hooking 单语例句

1. The Web has cast a huge net on today's Earth, hooking up every corner of the world.

2. Moreover, many people will need help hooking up their converter boxes and setting up their antennas.

3. The veteran de Lucas had the best chance of the first half, hooking a Roberto Lagos cross just over the crossbar.

4. Justin Timberlake is rumoured to be hooking up with Rihanna in New York behind girlfriend Jessica Biel's back.

5. But he stressed the future of classical music hinges on hooking new listeners now.

6. Whenever she finished her study assignments, the first idea that came into her mind was hooking up.

7. hooking

7. Katy Perry's new man's pals are teasing him over hooking up with the star.

hooking 英英释义



1. a golf shot that curves to the left for a right-handed golfer

    e.g. he took lessons to cure his hooking

    Synonym: hook draw
