
honesty [ˈɒnəsti]  [ˈɑ:nəsti] 

honesty 基本解释

名词正直; 诚实,真诚; 〈古〉贞洁; [植]一年生缎花

honesty 反义词


honesty 相关例句


1. In all honesty he had to admit that he was glad.

2. We've never doubted her honesty.

honesty 网络解释

1. 诚:以爱(Love),望(Hope),信(Faith),诚(Honesty),毅(Perseverance),礼(Politeness),忠(Royality)代替A,B,C,D,E,F,G. 全校有24班.

2. 诚信:下面是一些短语:假如你们学校组织全校学生进行投票,讨论中学生应具备的各种美德(virtue), 进入前六位的是:勤勉(diligence) 诚信(honesty) 同情(sympathy)勇敢(courage)责任(responsibility)假如你叫李华,

honesty 词典解释

1. 诚实;正直;坦诚
    Honesty is the quality of being honest.

    e.g. They said the greatest virtues in a politician were integrity, correctness and honesty.

2. 银扇草;金钱花
    Honesty is a plant whose seeds are contained in silvery-white papery discs.

honesty 单语例句

1. honesty的反义词

1. " We believe honesty and credibility will sustain our business, " said the man.

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2. Judy was deeply touched by this display of honesty and kindness and mailed Liu a post card from Huangshan Mountain to express her gratitude.

3. Besides pointing out that Chinese enterprises should adhere to the principles of honesty and credibility, he stressed they should be willing to shoulder social responsibilities.

4. " It may nibble away the youngster's adherence to values such as hardworking and honesty, " said the expert on protection of women's rights.

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5. Experts hope that this would not only help commercial banks improve their risk management, but also promote the awareness of honesty in the whole society.

6. So all of us have to make efforts to spread honesty and compassion, and to stay away from and condemn wrongdoings and vulgarity.

7. The pubic needs to be reassured not only about their competence, but also their honesty and fairness of the election process.

8. honesty的近义词

8. He stressed that honesty and trustworthiness are not only the cornerstone of the market economy, but also the lifeblood of the firms and individuals in the profession.

9. People everywhere prefer to deal with a company with a reputation for honesty and decency.

10. These wavering voters are more likely than others to disapprove of Bush's job performance, question his honesty and believe invading Iraq was a mistake.

honesty 英英释义



1. honesty是什么意思

1. the quality of being honest

    Synonym: honestness

2. honesty

2. southeastern European plant cultivated for its fragrant purplish flowers and round flat papery silver-white seedpods that are used for indoor decoration

    Synonym: silver dollar money plant satin flower satinpod Lunaria annua
