
hometown [ˈhəʊmtaʊn]  [ˈhoʊmtaʊn] 


hometown 基本解释

名词家乡,故乡; “home town”的变体

hometown 网络解释

1. 故乡:比如'故乡(HOMETOWN)一词,英国人认安.查利斯(ANN CHALLIS)女士虽然与劳里先生同在一所学校任教,在湖北宜昌三峡师范学院见到米莉(MILLIE)小姐的时候,她的模样讲到了中国人攻击性强(AGGRESSIVE)的问题,这使我颇感纳闷.

2. 故里:华州城在今日的陕西渭南一带,在<<水浒传>>的故事里,这里是少西岳英雄朱武,杨春,陈达聚义的舞台,也是大名(Daming)鼎鼎的九纹龙史进的故里(Hometown). 在华州城系列任务中,少西岳的义军里出了特工,阴险调皮的贺太守妄想从内部瓦解少西岳,

3. 老家:这个梦想,也许会实现,可是这片土地已经千疮百孔......我最为自豪的老家(hometown)都江堰已经不复往昔的繁华,几乎所有的房屋将重新修建,许多景点损毁严重,而死去的人们也不计其数......

hometown 词典解释

1. hometown的解释

1. 家乡;故乡
    Someone's hometown is the town where they live or the town that they come from.

    e.g. I went to work as a painter in my hometown, Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania.

hometown 单语例句

1. hometown的解释

1. Hunchun is about eight hours drive from her hometown and is famous for border business.

2. hometown的解释

2. After a drive to her hometown in Hebei province, she wished she had traveled by plane.

3. He said migrant people were allowed for the first time to vote in Beijing, with a certificate of qualified voters issued by the authority of their hometown.

4. Zhang and his crew followed Jin to her hometown to film villagers making traditional Korean pickled cabbage.

5. hometown的反义词

5. In preparation for taking this calculated risk, the couple had laboured for months back in their hometown of Harbin.

6. " The farmers are constantly calculating how much they will spend on their new homes, " said village head Li from my hometown.

7. Minogue was recovering in her hometown of Melbourne after a cancerous lump was successfully removed from her breast Friday.

8. hometown的解释

8. A more recent case came from Ye's hometown of Changchun, the capital city of Northeast China's Jilin Province.

9. In my hometown, rabbit meat does not rank very high on a carnivore's list.

10. hometown的反义词

10. The woman had been paid to carry goods back to her hometown.

hometown 英英释义



1. hometown的反义词

1. the town (or city) where you grew up or where you have your principal residence

    e.g. he never went back to his hometown again
