
homeland [ˈhəʊmlænd]  [ˈhoʊmlænd] 


homeland 基本解释

名词祖国,家乡; (南非种族隔离制度下的)黑人住宅区

homeland 网络解释


1. 祖国:我注意到,'祖国'(homeland) 这个在美语思维的侵蚀下日益被被'国家'(nation, state) 所替代的词,在这次川西大地震发生后大量复现于网络上. by 刘瑜 (DrunkPiano)

2. 故乡:祖国其实就是故乡(HOMELAND)而已. 比如你不幸生在中国大陆,你的祖国就是你生长的那一小块地方,还千万别想得太大,国境线内,并不是你的祖国,很抱歉,只是你的国籍(你不能用中华人民共和国来代替这一块地方,

3. 家乡:<<家乡>>(Homeland)是一本超凡脱俗的回忆录,作者是美国现任总统巴拉克欧巴马的亲弟弟乔治休塞因欧巴马与优秀新闻记者Damien Lewis共同撰写完成的作品.

homeland 词典解释

1. 祖国
    Your homeland is your native country.

    e.g. Many are planning to return to their homeland.

2. “黑人家园”(指过去南非种族隔离制度下的黑人有一定自治权的地区)
    The homelands were regions within South Africa in which black South Africans had a limited form of self-government.

homeland 单语例句

1. homeland在线翻译

1. But Cannon said only Canadian courts can decide what to do with Chinese nationals accused of crimes in their homeland.

2. The rebels have been fighting since 1989 to carve out a separate homeland or merge Kashmir with India's neighbor Pakistan.

3. Turkey also is worried the Iraqi Kurds may be trying to carve out a separate homeland in northern Iraq that could inspire Turkish Kurds.

4. Earlier they used to return to cash in on the vast opportunities their fast developing homeland offered.

5. Officials at the Department of Homeland Security caution that the US is in a heightened state of alert against terrorism.

6. homeland什么意思

6. Democrats and Republicans worked together to create the Homeland Security Department and put it in charge of dealing with natural disasters and terrorist attacks.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge identified explosives as the likely mode of attack, as opposed to a chemical or biological attack or a radiological " dirty " bomb.

8. Democrats contend the administration should do more to secure ports, chemical plants and other potential sites of homeland terrorism.

9. The Kenyan Boys Choir enjoyed little acclaim outside of their homeland before they performed at US President Barack Obama's inauguration ceremony in June.

10. During that time the Norwegian resistance would send a Christmas tree every year in secret to their exiled king to remind him of his homeland.

homeland 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. the country where you were born

    Synonym: fatherland motherland mother country country of origin native land
