hold water

hold water [həuld ˈwɔ:tə]  [hold ˈwɔtɚ] 

hold water 基本解释

动词(理论、计划等)证明正确合理,说得通,(容器)不漏水; 言之有理

hold water 相关例句


1. I'm sorry, but your story just doesn't hold water.

hold water 情景对话



A:Room service. May I help you?

B:Yes. I wonder if you can send up some of boiling water for me.

A:Certainly. Hold on, please.

B:What room are you in, sir?

A:This is Mr. Wu in Room 405.

B:Very well, sir. You'll have them as soon as possible.

hold water 网络解释

hold water在线翻译

1. (容器等)盛得住水:hold up 举起;耽搁;抢劫 | hold water (容器等)盛得住水 | lay hold of 握住;控制住;占有

2. 站得住脚:战略伙伴关系 strategic partnership | 站得住脚 hold water | 站票 standing-room-only ticket

3. 经得起考验的;合乎逻辑的:hold up 举起;支撑;阻挡 | hold water 经得起考验的;合乎逻辑的 | hook up 接洽妥当

4. 有道理;站得住脚:hoist with one's petard 害人反害己 | hold water 有道理;站得住脚 | hold out the olive branch 建议讲和

hold water 单语例句

1. Duolun Museum of Modern Art will hold an exhibition of water ink paintings and calligraphic works.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Underwater training also took its toll on their bodies, leaving them unable to hold a pair of chopsticks after emerging from the water.

3. The only cistern in use can hold only 20 cubic meters of water.

4. " These arguments do not hold water and absolutely do not conform to the facts, " said Kong.

5. hold water的反义词

5. The contrast seems to be a supporting point for the decoupling theory, but it does not hold water.

6. " Xunlei's excuse does not hold water, " Li says.

7. On several occasions Chen was instructed to fill a tray with bottled mineral water and hold it in her left hand for five minutes.

8. A floating island storage facility meant to hold the water arrived at the port near Tokyo on Thursday and will soon head to Fukushima.

9. The stretch includes a gate under water, a fortification with 72 rooms and towers that each hold their own legends.

10. The operator has also been scrambling to get hold of additional containers for water that is less radioactive.

hold water 英英释义

hold water的反义词


1. resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc.

    e.g. Her shoes won't hold up
           This theory won't hold water

    Synonym: stand up hold up
