
hokum [ˈhəʊkəm]  [ˈhoʊkəm] 

hokum 基本解释


hokum 网络解释

1. 废话:Hokkaido 北海道 | hokum 废话 | Holand 荷兰

2. 胡说,忽悠:proximity:(空间或时间上的)邻近, 接近 | hokum:胡说,忽悠 | ruthless:坚决的; 永不停止的; 持久的

3. 虚伪却无意义的话 废话:whimsical 行为举止古怪的 异想天开的 | hokum 虚伪却无意义的话 废话 | hypothesis 假说

4. 空话:claptrap:噱头 | hokum:空话 | drivel:蠢话

hokum 双语例句

1. This book sorts hokum from genuine science when it comes to food safety.

2. This hokum needs to be exposed for the humbug it is.

3. A true love is what doesn't strive, and moreover for hokum.

4. It was all hokum, but the public loved the dare.

5. Hokum, I did not capture them but they came of their own along with my herd of cow and goat.
    Hokum ,我没有抓住他们,但他们自己以及我的一群牛和山羊。

6. A true love is what doesn`t strive for busyness, for extravagance, for luxury, and moreover for hokum.


7. The book is enjoyable hokum.

8. From the Asian perspective, that makes the west seem hypocritical at best. At worst, it looks as though the cherished assumptions about how to run an economy are hokum.

hokum 词典解释

1. hokum在线翻译

1. 废话;胡扯
    If you describe something as hokum, you think it is nonsense.

    e.g. The book is enjoyable hokum.

hokum 英英释义


1. hokum

1. a message that seems to convey no meaning

    Synonym: nonsense bunk nonsensicality meaninglessness
