1. 后足:口器(mouth parts)是中足(median leg)和后足(hind leg). 基本的胸足,分为6节,即基节(coxa)、叠,网脉也多,较高等则可以摺叠,网脉也少. 翅中的脉序(venation)为昆有气门(spiracle)或称气孔. 水生昆虫的呼吸是具有气管鳃(tracheal gill).
2. 后腿:前腿fore leg | 后腿hind leg | 猪蹄pettitoes
3. 后肢:198.右前肢:right fore | 199.后肢:hind leg | 200.左后肢:left fore
4. 冻后腿:herring 冻沙丁鱼 | hind leg 冻后腿 | horse meat 冻马肉
1. Harris added that no other discoveries have been quite similar, although a fossilized partial hind leg of Gansus was found in 1981 in Changma.