high and mighty

high and mighty [hai ænd ˈmaɪti:]  [haɪ ənd ˈmaɪti] 

high and mighty 基本解释

副词神气活现; 趾高气扬; 非常,很; 高傲的人

high and mighty 相关例句

high and mighty的意思


1. He's become very high and mighty since he got that new job.

high and mighty 网络解释


1. 神气活现:布拉德什在他的名为<<神气活现>>(High and Mighty)一书中讲述的一个有关越野车现象的稍许不同的故事. 越野车在很大程度上为响应消费者想要什么以及什么才能造就成功的市场而演变发展着. 汽车制造商进行了大规模的详细调查,涉及成千上万的消费者,

2. 趾高气扬地:high and low 高低贵贱 | high and mighty 趾高气扬地 | high beam 远光灯

3. 傲慢:high and low到处 | high and mighty傲慢 | hit the roof勃然大怒,发火

4. 傲慢的:high 高度 | high-and-mighty 傲慢的 | high-angle 高角射击的

high and mighty 词典解释

1. 盛气凌人的;高傲的;不可一世的
    If you describe someone as high and mighty, you disapprove of them because they consider themselves to be very important and are confident that they are always right.

    e.g. I think you're a bit too high and mighty yourself.

high and mighty 单语例句

1. high and mighty

1. High and mighty The gladiator may reach its full height of popularity in spring'09.

2. " This Hour has 22 Minutes " has become a national institution by mocking Canada's high and mighty.
