1. He appeals for greater social tolerance towards homosexuals so that they don't have to hide out in the closet.
2. Among those on board is the Strange Passenger, who wants to make use of his corpse to find out where dreams hide.
3. Lin does not hide his eagerness to see his design win out and finally become part of the Beijing skyline.
4. " A multinational should not hide from us but come out and handle this properly, " she said.
5. The youth was trying to hide the party from his parents but massive media coverage has ruled out that idea.
6. METRO's reporter Yang Wanli finds out what mysteries hide in the vaccine everyone is talking about.
7. danci.911chaxun.com
7. Corporate America often seems to go out of its way to hide its successes in China.
8. He said he managed to get out of the truck and hide in bushes.
9. But it has turned out to be little more than a juvenile game of hide and seek between the inspection team and local governments.
10. Local authorities initially ruled out foul play, blaming his death on an accident during a game of hide and seek.