
herpes [ˈhɜ:pi:z]  [ˈhɜ:rpi:z] 

herpes 基本解释


herpes 相关例句


1. After a week, there appeared herpes zoster on either side of the back.

herpes 网络解释

1. 疱疹:最佳答案: 疱疹(herpes)分单纯疱疹和带状疱疹,单纯疱疹(herpes simplex)是一种单纯疱疹病毒所致的皮肤病,好侵犯于皮肤粘膜交界处,表现为局限性簇集性小疱,带状疱疹(herpes zoster)则是由疱疹病毒引起的,沿一侧周围神经带状分布的密集性小水疱及...

2. 疹:验尿检查淋病(gonorrhea)及衣原体(chlamydia)- 女优:对私处检查庖疹(herpes)和生殖器疣(genital warts)及作以下检查7. 作肺结核(tuberculosis)的检查

3. 泡疹:要视乎你妈妈是哪一种角膜炎. 不过,如果是经常复发的话,是泡疹(Herpes)引致的角膜炎机会较大.

4. 疱疹病毒:一些专门感染神经系统的病毒,如狂犬病毒(rabies) 和疱疹病毒(herpes),可以轻而易举地穿越血脑屏障. 为了借用这种能力,斯瓦米的小组选择了一个狂犬病毒表面中常见的小蛋白来伪装药物. 科学家相信,该蛋白可打开穿越血管壁的通道,

herpes 词典解释

1. 疱疹
    Herpes is a disease which causes painful red spots to appear on the skin.

herpes 单语例句

1. The results were similar to two recent studies from South Africa that found circumcision reduced HPV and herpes by up to a third.

2. Herpes simplex virus type 1 is a common human pathogen that causes cold sores.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. Cheng said the equine herpes virus isn't new to Hong Kong but the latest outbreak is the territory's biggest in history.

4. The viruses that cause genital herpes, genital warts and hepatitis can all be transmitted through oral sex.

5. The horses also fell sick despite being vaccinated against the herpes virus, but Cheng said that wasn't a dangerous sign.

6. She has a skin condition similar to herpes in humans and her health is getting worse.

7. herpes的意思

7. Cheng said club officials suspect the herpes spread by shared horse equipment.

8. Two years later, she began suffering from recurring outbreaks of herpes on her face.

9. But researchers think cells in the foreskin of the penis may be susceptible to HPV and the herpes virus.

herpes 英英释义



1. any of the animal viruses that cause painful blisters on the skin

    Synonym: herpes virus

2. herpes的近义词

2. viral diseases causing eruptions of the skin or mucous membrane
