
heroics [həˈrəʊɪks]  [həˈroʊɪks] 


heroics 基本解释


名词(常指哗众取宠的)英雄辞令,(炫耀性的)豪壮行为; 英雄诗体; 有英雄气概的,英雄的,英勇的( heroic的名词复数 )

heroics 网络解释


1. 装腔作势的演说或行为:mnemonics 记忆法,记忆规则 | heroics 装腔作势的演说或行为 | pediatrics 小儿科

2. 鲁莽行为:precious 贵重的,珍贵的 | heroics 鲁莽行为 | intact 完整无缺的,未受损伤的

3. 英雄辞令; 英雄诗体; 豪壮行为 (名):heroically 英雄地; 庞大地; 超人地; 史诗地 (副) | heroics 英雄辞令; 英雄诗体; 豪壮行为 (名) | heroin 海洛因; 吗啡 (名)

4. 豪言壮语:People Related Mistakes人的失误有关 | Heroics豪言壮语 | Adding people to a late project加入的人,一晚的项目

heroics 单语例句

1. heroics

1. The South American's heroics add unexpected spice to the Masters Cup, where Federer was the overwhelming favourite for his fourth title.

2. Only the repeated heroics of keeper Sebastien Frey prevented Roma from taking the lead.

3. heroics在线翻译

3. A delighted Australian Mark Webber joked that he should start down the grid in future after his heroics at the Shanghai International Circuit.

4. heroics是什么意思

4. Luckily I called my mother in these moments of impetuosity and she set me straight about my idol's previous heroics.

5. heroics

5. Redknapp is already looking to next season after the Champions League heroics took its toll on his players during this campaign.

6. The striker and stylish midfielder were snapped up by English club side Liverpool shortly before their World Cup heroics.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. He also urged fans to not to lambast England's rookie players if they don't produce heroics.

8. Woods never needed so many heroics to win his previous three Masters.

9. But there was to be no repeat of those heroics against Williams.

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10. Rescue expert Wang Baoyuan said he was touched when he saw a news report about Chai's heroics.

heroics 英英释义



1. ostentatious or vainglorious or extravagant or melodramatic conduct

    e.g. heroics are for those epic films they make in Hollywood
