


heroes 基本解释
英雄( hero的名词复数 );男主角;男主人公;偶像;
heroes 网络解释


1. 英雄无敌:近日,发行商Fantasy Flight Games宣布对战游戏<<战争之道>>(Battle Lore)的最新扩展<<英雄无敌>>(Heroes)现已发行. 继去年<<全球传染病>>发行之后,桌游界刮起一阵合作类型之风,不久前,

heroes 单语例句

1. heroes

1. Union Jack flags are waved by fans in Trafalgar Square in London during the British Olympic and Paralympic Heroes Parade in 2008.

2. heroes

2. Nowadays too many Chinese want to become " heroes ", as they flood onto the Great Wall and carve their names on its bricks.

3. But the 2009 Hong Kong City Heroes should characterize the spirit of the city and capture the pulse of the year.

4. heroes的反义词

4. Boy band The Wanted also performed and admitted they felt overwhelmed by the occasion, which was held to raise money for armed forces charity Help for Heroes.

5. Among the heroes who inspired a nation last year were the " Thirteen Chivalrous Men from Tangshan ".

6. It suggests that who we identify as heroes are often no more than victims of circumstance.

7. Universally, our heroes carry a certain code of ethics with them.

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8. The media are always keen on building heroes who sacrifice their own interests for others as an ideal show of collectivism.

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9. Regarding the memorial for those Chinese who fought in this war, 99% agreed the heroes deserved people's respect and commemoration.

10. A commemorative park was later constructed to mark the graves of 72 of the heroes in Huanghuagang in Guangzhou's Dongshan District.
