
heretical [hə'retɪkl]  [həˈrɛtɪkəl] 

heretical 基本解释


形容词异教的,异端的; 邪

heretical 网络解释

1. 异教的:heresy异教 | heretical异教的a | heterodox非正统的,异端的a

2. 异教的,异端的:heretic /异教者/异端者/异教徒/ | heretical /异教的/异端的/ | hereto /到此为止/关于这个/

3. 异端邪说的:herbicide 除草剂 | heretical 异端邪说的 | hierarchy 等级制度

4. 异教的; 异端的 (形):heretic 异教徒; 异端者 (名) | heretical 异教的; 异端的 (形) | hereto 到此为止, 关于这个 (副)

heretical 词典解释

1. (与大多数人观点不合的)异端的,旁门左道的
    A belief or action that is heretical is one that most people think is wrong because it disagrees with beliefs that are generally accepted.

    e.g. I made the then heretical suggestion that it might be cheaper to design new machines.

2. heretical

2. (与某一宗教教义严重不合的)异端的,异教的
    A belief or action that is heretical is one that seriously disagrees with the principles of a particular religion.

    e.g. The Church regards spirit mediums and people claiming to speak to the dead as heretical.

heretical 单语例句

1. heretical

1. At that time, it was a heretical theme that no novelists had dared touch or taken seriously.

heretical 英英释义



1. characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards

    Synonym: dissident heterodox
