
helm [helm]  [hɛlm] 








helm 基本解释


名词头盔; 舵,舵柄; 掌舵,掌管; (国家,企业等的)机要部门,领

及物动词指挥; 给…掌舵; 给…戴上头盔

helm 相关词组

1. at the helm of a state : 掌握着政权;

helm 相关例句

1. Up with the helm!


1. Down with the helm!

2. How long has that man been at the helm?

helm 网络解释


1. 头盔:D'0Z{ 橙色装备(手工艺品)合成公式-Blood Items (3Helm)/头盔(Casqu

2. 护卫之神海姆:幽暗少女伊莉丝翠(Eilistraee)、魔法女神蜜斯特拉(Mystra)和知识之神欧格马(Oghma)为三大国教,其余如死亡之神克蓝沃(Kelemvor)、护卫之神海姆(Helm)、猫与欢愉女神夏芮丝(Sharess)、贸易与财富女神渥金(Waukeen)等也有一定信徒.

3. 海姆:是藏在所有企图破坏他和他的教会的邪恶阴谋背后的污秽黑手.兰森德尔相信黎明之灾的发生是因为他的工作成果被那位LadyofLoss的间谍们破坏了,而且他发誓不会让这种事再度发生.海姆(Helm)的心底里对晨曦之主怀有怨恨,

helm 词典解释

1. 舵柄;舵轮
    The helm of a boat or ship is the part that is used to steer it.

    e.g. I got into our dinghy while Willis took the helm and positioned the boat for the photograph.

2. helm是什么意思

2. (政府或组织中的)领导位置
    You can say that someone is at the helm when they are leading or running a country or organization.

    e.g. He has been at the helm of Lonrho for 31 years.
    e.g. ...Yutaka Kume, who took the helm as Nissan's president in June 1985.

helm 单语例句

1. China with the CCP at the helm has done so much and created a more advanced China a China better for all Chinese.

2. helm的意思

2. Its former chief operating officer Sanjay Jha left the company after 14 years to take the helm at struggling Motorola.

3. helm是什么意思

3. But he painted a picture of a concerted effort to oust him from the helm of her career.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. Such degrees of public contentment are precious political wealth for anyone at the helm of national leadership.

5. Excitement is building towards next week when several million are expected to cram DC's National Mall to watch Obama take the helm.

6. helm

6. Statue of Athena from the Parthenon, wearing an elaborate decorative helm and aegis breastplate.

7. Jiang temporarily relinquished his helm to Danish coach Michael Mortensen around the French Open, but resumed his position as coach before last year's China Open.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. He became executive director of personnel and administration in 2007 and took the helm of sales and marketing at the company later that year.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. The LDP has conceded that it is retaking the helm after three years because the Japanese public is disillusioned with its rival.

10. This policy was adopted to help maintain balance between provinces and ethnic groups at the helm of the country's leadership.

helm 英英释义


1. a position of leadership

    e.g. the President is at the helm of the Ship of State

2. steering mechanism for a vessel
    a mechanical device by which a vessel is steered


1. danci.911cha.com

1. be at or take the helm of

    e.g. helm the ship
