1. 日光层:NASA表示,太阳所影响的区域-日光层(Heliosphere),经证明是不对称,不是圆形. 日光层包含由太阳风(Solar Wind)或太阳粒子流(Solar Particle Strea)控制的空间,比冥王星(Pluto)运转的轨道还要大很多. 冥王星是在将近60亿公里的距离外,
2. 太阳风层:德国考古研究院(DAI)成立于1829年,是是当今世界上历史...旅行者号探测飞船通过太阳风层,飞向星际空间 本地星际云团(Local Interstellar Cloud )概念图 太阳风层( heliosphere)剖析图 据国外媒体报道,太阳系穿过一个原来被...
3. 太阳圈:量日仪 heliometer | 太阳目视[观测]镜 helioscope | 太阳圈 heliosphere
4. 日光层/太阳风层:heliosis /日射病/中暑/ | heliosphere /日光层/太阳风层/ | heliostat /日光反射装置/
1. It's a fact in the scientific records that the heliosphere of the sun has changed greatly also.
2. . First these particles lose their charge and fly out of the heliosphere.
3. This study is important to understand the large scale solar wind structure in the heliosphere and the interplanetary space weather processes.
4. The sun has a magnetic field, the heliosphere, which envelops our entire solar system.
5. Examples include the magnetosphere, heliosphere, and heliospheric current sheet.
1. This bubble known as the heliosphere shields against most dangerous cosmic radiation that would otherwise interfere with human spaceflight.
1. the region inside the heliopause containing the sun and solar system