heavy spar

heavy spar [ˈhevi spɑ:]  [ˈhɛvi spɑr] 

heavy spar 基本解释


heavy spar 网络解释

1. 重晶石:重溶剂精制油 heavy solvent refined oil | 重晶石 heavy spar | 厚花呢 heavy suiting

2. 航向沉重命運的另一個北極:to leeward, swing on the 航向黑暗宇宙的蔽護之所 | heavy spar. 航向沉重命運的另一個北極 | the barges wash 鑿油船

3. 重晶石,硫酸鋇:厚浆 heavy sizing | 重晶石,硫酸钡 heavy spar | 高密经纱;低支经纱 heavy warp

4. 俗名:重晶石:boiled linseed oil 化学名:熟亚麻油 | heavy spar 俗名:重晶石 | barium sulfate 化学名:硫酸钡

heavy spar 双语例句

1. Non-metallic minerals are mainly limestone, dolomite, quartz sandstone, sillimanite, fire-resistant clay, broken mica, talc, serpentine, quartz, feldspar, rock wool with diabase, with finishes of granite, marble, heavy Spar, and so on.

2. (nautical) a heavy rope or wire cable used as a support for a mast or spar.


3. To leeward, swing on the heavy spar.

heavy spar 英英释义


1. a white or colorless mineral (BaSO4)
    the main source of barium

    Synonym: barite barytes barium sulphate
