heat up

heat up [hi:t ʌp]  [hit ʌp] 

heat up 基本解释
heat up 网络解释


1. 受热:come to 结果达到;苏醒 | 20. heat up 受热 | 21. up to 多达; 比得上

2. 加热:heat treatment 热处理 | heat up 加热 | heat wave 热浪

3. 使热:heat unit 热单位 | heat up 使热 | heat utilization 热利用

4. (使)变热:552hear of听说 | 553heat up(使)变热 | 554help along促进

heat up 单语例句

1. Temperatures in the capital shot up to 36 C in a heat wave that will carry on for another couple of days.

2. This is because they take up more heat inside the body and carry it away faster.

3. Heat up stock and add pumpkin and carrots together with a teaspoon of ginger juice.

4. heat up的近义词

4. Heat up a little oil in a frying pan, add crab meat and cook until heated through.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. Heat up a little oil in a large pan or Chinese wok, and add shredded ginger and Sichuan peppercorns.

6. heat up

6. Heat the olive oil a big saute pan on medium heat, then chop up the garlic and toss it in.

7. The competition is expected to heat up when the barriers in the financial sector begin to come down.

8. Paris has yet to compile a final death toll from the heat wave, which pummeled France and much of Europe with temperatures up to 104.

9. The statement is seen as containing Pyongyang's most conciliatory remarks since the situation on the Korean Peninsula began to heat up in November.

10. heat up是什么意思

10. All of these qualities have contributed to fanning up the " heat " of learning Chinese and propelling forward the plan to establish Confucius Institutes smoothly.

heat up 英英释义


1. make more intense

    e.g. Emotions were screwed up

    Synonym: hot up screw up

2. danci.911cha.com

2. make hot or hotter

    e.g. the sun heats the oceans
           heat the water on the stove

    Synonym: heat

3. gain heat or get hot

    e.g. The room heated up quickly

    Synonym: heat hot up
