hearing aid

hearing aid [ˈhiəriŋ eid]  [ˈhɪrɪŋ ed] 

第三人称复数:hearing aids

hearing aid 基本解释

hearing aid的意思


hearing aid 网络解释

hearing aid什么意思

1. 助听器:助听器(hearing aid)是一种提高声音强度的装置,可帮助某些听障病人充分利用残余听力,进而补偿聋耳的听力损失,是聋人教育和提高聋人听觉不可缺少的重要工具之一.

2. 助听器吗:Check this out.|看这个 | Hearing aid?|助听器吗? | Maybe he was deaf.|或许他是聋的

3. 助 ? 器:External Ear 外 耳 | Hearing Aid 助 ? 器 | Internal Ear ? 耳

4. 助听器=>補聴器:hearing acuity ==> 听敏度=>聴力 | hearing aid ==> 助听器=>補聴器 | hearing aid correction ==> 助听器校正

hearing aid 词典解释
hearing aid

1. 助听器
    A hearing aid is a device which people with hearing difficulties wear in their ear to enable them to hear better.

hearing aid 单语例句

1. hearing aid的近义词

1. It will also provide cost analyses of hearing aid equipment for governmental decisions.

2. The ministry recently organized a national professional competition in hearing recovery in a bid to create a favorable atmosphere for training of hearing aid specialists.

3. No one but Jiang can know just how the melody comes through to her when she dances wearing her hearing aid.

4. Rong Yiren helps his wife Yang Jianqing try on a hearing aid as other family members watch.

5. Up to 20 million Chinese are suffering from hearing loss, the China hearing aid website stated.

6. Besides using body language and a hearing aid, writing is the best way to express her feelings.

7. His hearing is an important aid to his sight in most cases.

8. A witness surnamed Wang called the emergency services after hearing Liu's cries and coming to her aid.

9. The hearing comes less than two weeks after auto chiefs pushed for aid in meetings with legislative leaders.

10. Upon hearing that Ma had fallen into a mountain pool Li went immediately to his aid.

hearing aid 英英释义


1. a conical acoustic device formerly used to direct sound to the ear of a hearing-impaired person

    Synonym: ear trumpet

2. hearing aid

2. an electronic device that amplifies sound and is worn to compensate for poor hearing

    Synonym: deaf-aid
