
healthcare ['helθkeə]  ['helθker] 

healthcare 基本解释
healthcare 网络解释


1. 医疗:集团有三块业务:印艺系统(Graphics)、医疗(Healthcare)和专业材料(Specialty Products). 由于这3块业务的商业模式大致相近,集团原来一直依靠下属的大型胶片工厂为这等3大部门提供相似的产品. 但现在,印艺系统部门和医疗部门的业务开始向不同方向发展,

2. 保健:'保健'(healthcare)一词实际上是指'疾病治疗'(illnesscure). 这个行业由医生、医院和药房的活动组成. 我们的保健预算的多少已经变成了这个国家的疾病指数. 这忘记了人的基本状态是健康而不是患病. 我们对健康采取了一个以解决问题为中心的方法,

3. 健康护理:公用事业及消费必需品行业均属防守性行业,因为就算经济衰退,人们总不能不用电、不用水、不吃东西吧!衰退期间,这两个行业虽难完全免疫,但必定胜过资源、航运及消费奢侈品等行业. 除此之外,健康护理(Healthcare)亦是防守性强的行业,只是较少人注意.

4. 卫生保健:药学保健作为卫生保健(healthcare)的必要组成部分,与医疗保健(medical care)和护理保健(nurseringcare)一道并立为实现卫生保健总目标的三大支柱. 药学保健的主体是药师,客体是患者. 药学保健的核心是药师的工作直接面向患者,

healthcare 单语例句


1. He has proposed a national program to allow individuals and small businesses to buy healthcare similar to that available to federal employees.

2. A byproduct of making healthcare charges affordable and predictable will be the security people would feel about their future.

3. Greenpeace Campaigner Prentice Koo said increases in environmental taxes would absorb looming healthcare costs as the city's population gets older.

4. It completed expansion of a healthcare manufacturing facility in Shanghai that will double the capacity of the plant after an investment of $ 74 million.

5. It is engaged in providing remote and mobile cardiovascular disease diagnosis services for community clinics and rural healthcare centers.

6. The move underlines Carlyle's confidence in the development of preventive healthcare checkup services in China and the role private medical agencies play.

7. Drug and cash donations to healthcare projects are standard practice for pharmaceutical companies, but Novartis is looking for something different and more urgently needed in China.

8. Since community centers are supposed to target the general public, its medicines must be on the healthcare insurance catalog.

9. It aims at improving the quality of healthcare and psychotherapy services by strengthening the training of mainland professionals to cater for the urgent demand.

10. healthcare的解释

10. A State Council Development and Research Center report last year said the existing healthcare system was " basically not successful ".

healthcare 英英释义


1. the preservation of mental and physical health by preventing or treating illness through services offered by the health profession

    Synonym: health care
