
healer [ˈhi:lə(r)]  [ˈhilɚ] 


healer 基本解释

名词医治者; 治疗物; 治病术士

healer 网络解释

1. 治疗师:<>一共有战士(Warrior)、圣骑士(Paladin)、斥侯(Scout)、治疗师(Healer)、守护者(Warden)、法师(Mage)、召唤师(Summoner)、灵能者(Psionicist)等8种职业,每个种族都有其相对应的职业,但并非是每个种族都有8种职业可以选择,

2. 医治者:-如果你用英文的再临王(Coming King)去查,只能查到耶稣,因为祂是唯一,且会再临-这里讲到耶稣的四种身份:救赎主(Savior)、圣化者(Sanctifier)、医治者(Healer)、再临王(Coming King)

3. 治癒者:各显神通,产生了各种各样的修炼方式,其中层次不一,水平良莠不齐,以致许多新时代的人不再愿意以新时代的称呼自居,而宁愿冠以相对较具体的如光修(Lightwork),治愈者(Healer),自助(self-help),

4. 治疗者:如果命令与征服4的制作组不是脑袋让驴踢了就是魔怔世界或者其他网游玩太多了,网游经典的伤害承受者(tank)+伤害输出者(DPSer)+治疗者(healer)模式居然被这帮脑残制作组生搬硬拽进即时战略里,由于每方可以有5个玩家,

healer 词典解释

1. healer的近义词

1. 医治者;(尤指通过祷告和宗教信念治疗的)信仰疗法术士
    A healer is a person who heals people, especially a person who heals through prayer and religious faith.

healer 单语例句

1. She's hoping he'll come round and time will be a great healer.

2. healer在线翻译

2. Of course we take our tablets and do our best to minimize the fever and headaches but time is always the great healer.

3. Music was the big healer in ending a longstanding rift between Simon and Garfunkel, who have known each other since they were 11.

4. Time may be the great healer but for the people of Japan a year is too short a span to ease the pain and suffering.

5. The European Union and the NATO alliance hailed Yeltsin as a healer of the Cold War divide.

healer 英英释义


1. a person skilled in a particular type of therapy

    Synonym: therapist
