
headquarters [ˌhedˈkwɔ:təz]  [ˈhedkwɔ:rtərz] 

headquarters 基本解释

名词指挥部; 司令部; (机构,企业等的)总部; 总店

headquarters 相关例句



1. The soldier reported to headquarters.

2. The international corporation's headquarters is / are in Washington.

headquarters 网络解释

1. 总部:(1)总部(HEADQUARTERS) 这是最重要的设施,总部所在的星球便是主星. 若是总部被炸毁或是主星被占领,则这支部队将全军覆没. 因此 ,一定要动用大部分防御部队来保卫主星,使总部不遭到敌军的破坏;当主星受到敌军大部队围困时 ,

2. 司令部:在主要作战界面中只保留了少数最常用的图标,并增加了显示部队情况的状态栏,而将购置部队、任务介绍和一些新增的功能如分配将领、受勋等都放到了司令部(headquarters)选项中,这样做不仅使整个界面变得更加简洁,

3. 总公司;总部;司令部:10.forward 送到,转号 | 11.headquarters 总公司;总部;司令部 | 12.inventory 详细目录;清单;存货

4. (公司)总部:head-hunting company 猎头公司 | headquarters 公司总部 | health insurance 健康保险

headquarters 词典解释

1. 总部;总公司
    The headquarters of an organization are its main offices.

    e.g. ...fraud squad officers from London's police headquarters...
    e.g. The building is the headquarters of the family firm.

headquarters 单语例句

1. Establishing vertical business branches and horizontal regional headquarters in different countries and regions enables companies to form a new management structure.

2. The general manager said the company planned to use Shenzhen as its headquarters and expand its business to other cities and regions in China.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. Most multinationals coming to China choose Shanghai as their regional or national headquarters, making some of its foreign clerks buy properties in the metropolis.

4. The national bird flu control command headquarters in Beijing has warned farmers not to buy vaccines from markets but get them from local veterinary stations.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. The exact casualty is under investigation and the death toll is highly possible to increase, an official with the rescue headquarters told Xinhua by telephone.

6. He left the FA's Soho Square headquarters by the rear exit following his hearing and did not make any comment.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. The square is an important venue as it is flanked by the state main headquarters and the Syrian army headquarters.

8. He said he planned to call officials at UN headquarters to express his regret and condolences from the people of Afghanistan.

9. The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters activated a third degree emergency response on Friday to prevent flooding.

10. headquarters

10. The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters also activated a third degree emergency response on Friday to warn of possible flooding.

headquarters 英英释义



1. headquarters在线翻译

1. the military installation from which a commander performs the functions of command

    e.g. the general's headquarters were a couple of large tents

    Synonym: HQ military headquarters

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. (usually plural) the office that serves as the administrative center of an enterprise

    e.g. many companies have their headquarters in New York

    Synonym: central office main office home office home base

3. (plural) a military unit consisting of a commander and the headquarters staff
