
headpin ['hedpɪn]  ['heɪdpi:n] 

headpin 基本解释
headpin 网络解释


1. 九柱戏的前角柱:headpiece 顶梁 头戴受话器 井口油水分离器 井口油水分离器 | headpin 九柱戏的前角柱 | headpivotpoint 头的转动中心

headpin 双语例句

1. To close the headpin, making a loop with round nosed pliers and then twisting the wire around the loop will make a more professional and secure closing than just making a loop.

2. Expression of Headpin and VEGF gene in oral verrucous carcinoma

3. Conclusion Headpin gene might play an important role in the development of OVC and down-regulate the expression of VEGF gene.

4. I usually leave at least 1/2 inch left on the headpin for closing it.


5. If Frank does miss the pocket it is either dead on the headpin or left of the headpin, because he missed his target several boards left, Frank Carries a 192 average, which would be even higher if he could consistently pick up a 10 pin spare.
    Frank 只有在球偏离目标区好几块板时才会打到1号瓶正中央或左边而造成失误,他的平均分数为192,如果不是常漏10号瓶,分数可能会更高。

headpin 英英释义



1. the front bowling pin in the triangular arrangement of ten pins

    Synonym: kingpin
