
headcloth ['hedklɒθ]  ['hedˌklɒθ] 

headcloth 基本解释
headcloth 网络解释


1. 包头巾:headcheese 头肉冻 | headcloth 包头巾 | headdress 饰头巾

2. 头饰:headclogging 磁头堵塞 | headcloth 头饰 | headcoefficient 压头系数

headcloth 双语例句

1. The king is portrayed wearing the royal nemes headcloth, the royal beard and the double crown, symbolizing his rule over Upper and Lower Egypt.


2. A striped headcloth worn by Pharaohs.


3. Stop5, GURDWARA BANGLA SAHIB, very complex name, learn from the driver Rakesh for serveral times to remember that. It is free for entrance, with very nice golden top, we have to take off shoes and socks, and headcloth is must, fortunately I made good preparation. Rakesh is so kind and he is always accompany with me, every Sikhism will wash their face and hands before
    第5站:GURDWARA BANGLA SAHIB,这个名字好难记,和司机Rakesh学了半天才记住,这里不收门票,庙顶是好看的金色,要光脚,必须带头巾,呵呵,俺是有备而来这些不在话下,好心的Rakesh陪我一起进去,每个进入其中的锡克教徒都在进门前洗手洗脸梳洗一番,庙


4. A girl with a blue chequered headcloth was standing on the verandah adjacent to the northern room.
