head off

head off [hed ɔf]  [hɛd ɔf] 

head off 基本解释

使改变方向, 阻挡[拦截](某人); 防止…发生

head off 网络解释

head off的反义词

1. 绕到前面去;拦住:head for 朝...方向走去 | head off 绕到前面去;拦住 | head on 迎面地,正面地

2. 阻止:head money 人头税 | head off 阻止 | head office 总公司

3. 开头:head of water 水头 | head off 开头 | head office 总部总局

4. 阻止, 拦截:expand my vision 阔大我的视野 | head off 阻止,拦截 | have an advantage over sb. 比某人有优势

head off 词典解释

1. head off

1. 拦截;拦住
    If you head off a person, animal, or vehicle, you move to a place in front of them in order to capture them or make them change the direction they are moving in.

    e.g. He changed direction swiftly, turned into the hallway and headed her off.

2. 阻止,防止(尤指不愉快的事)发生
    If you head something off, especially something unpleasant, you take action before it is expected to happen in order to prevent it from happening.

    e.g. He would ask Congress to intervene and head off a strike...
    e.g. You have to be good at spotting trouble on the way and heading it off.

head off 单语例句

1. June is usually the start of a slowdown in business travel in Europe as people head off on holidays.

2. Clijsters took her cap off and shook her head in disbelief in the changeover.

3. head off的近义词

3. Authority finance chief Wong said although the authority was in great financial shape, the surplus was needed as a war chest to head off rising construction costs.

4. He said the police had forced Zhao to drink chili water and had even set off firecrackers over his head.

5. It's not clear whether better cooperation could have helped head off the Madrid plot.

6. A large 2 cm thick piece of lumber flew off a truck and landed on a man's head and got stuck around his neck.

7. The DPRK has long balanced stoking tensions with conciliatory overtures to extract concessions and head off sanctions.

8. Sardar Singh paid tribute to his son, a head constable who was killed fending off the attack.

9. Like the time she told teenage contestant David Archuleta she wanted to squeeze his head off and dangle him from a rearview mirror.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. In a recent public address, the eloquent and elegant talking head was booed off the stage.

head off 英英释义


1. prevent the occurrence of
    prevent from happening

    e.g. Let's avoid a confrontation
           head off a confrontation
           avert a strike

    Synonym: debar forefend forfend obviate deflect avert stave off fend off avoid ward off
